
Переведите, , не через перевочик the whipping boy in the afternoon tom had a few moments to himself, and a lad of about twelve years of age was brought in to him. he came up to tom with his head bowed and fell on one knee before him. tom sat still and looked at the lad in silence a moment. then he said: “rise, lad! who are you? what do you want? ” the boy rose and said: “you must remember me, my lord. i am your whipping boy.” “my whipping boy? ” “yes, my lord. i am humphrey marlow.” tom did not know what to do or to say. “it seems to me that i remember you, ” he said at last. “but i cannot remember everything, as i am ill.” “oh, my poor master, ” cried the whipping boy, thinking to himself: “it is true — he is mad, the poor fellow. but i forget — i was told not to notice that anything was wrong with him.” “i often forget many things these days, ” said tom. “but pay no attention to it. just tell me what you want.” “two days ago when your majesty made three mistakes in your greek composition in the morning lessons — do you remember it? ” “yes, i think i do, ” answered tom, thinking: “this is not so far from the truth. if / had been having a composition in greek, i should have made not three mistakes, but thirty.” “my lord, your teacher promised to whip me for it and ” “whip you? ” tom cried in surprise. “why did he want to whip you for my mistakes? ” “ah, my lord, he always whips you when you don’t know your lessons.” “true, true — i have forgotten, ” said tom. “since you help me to do my lessons, he says that you don’t teach me well enough, and if i make a mistake ” “teach you, my lord? i, the humblest of your servants? never! but this is how it is: nobody may strike the prince of wales, so when he makes mistakes, i — his whipping boy — get the blows. it is my work and i get the wages for it.” “and have they beaten you, my poor friend? ” “no, your majesty, they were going to beat me today, but they didn’t do it because of the death of the king. now you are no more prince of wales, you are the king of england, and i am afraid that now you will throw all your books away, because nobody can tell you now 260 what to do and what not to do. then i am lost and my poor sisters with me.” “lost? why? ” “my back is my bread. oh, my lord! if you stop studying, you won’t need any whipping boy and i shall have no work. don’t turn me away.” tom was sorry for the boy. besides, he thought the boy could be useful in the future because he lived in the palace and knew a lot. he said: “rise, humphrey marlow, you and your children will always have the post of whipping boy at the royal house of england. very soon i shall take my books again and study so badly that you will get money three times more than before.” “oh, thank you, my lord! now 1 shall be happy as long as i live, ” cried out the boy. tom asked humphrey to talk about the people in the palace and the prince’s lessons in the schoolroom. by the end of an hour he knew a lot of things about the prince; so he decided to talk with humphrey more the other day. (from the prince and the pauper by mark twain)

Английский язык



Мальчик для битья

(из книги "Принц и нищий" Марка Твена)

После полудня Том был предоставлен самому себе и к нему привели мальчика лет двенадцати. Он подошел к Тому, склонил голову и припал на одно колено. Том сидел спокойно и какое-то время молча смотрел на мальчика. Затем он сказал:

- Поднимитесь, мальчик! Кто вы? Что вы хотите?

Мальчик встал и сказал:

- Вы должны помнить меня, Милорд. Я ваш мальчик для битья.

- Мой мальчик для битья?

- Да, Милорд. Я Хамфри Марлоу.

Том не знал, что делать или что сказать.

-Мне кажется, что я помню тебя, - сказал он наконец. - Но я не все помню, потому что я болен».

- О, мой бедный господин, - воскликнул мальчик для битья, думая про себя:

«Это правда - он сумасшедший, бедный. Но я забыл - мне сказали не замечать, что с ним что-то не так.»

-Нынче я часто забываю многое, - сказал Том. - Но не обращайте на это внимания. Просто скажите мне, что вы хотите.

- Два дня назад, когда Ваше величество сделали три ошибки в сочинении на греческом на утренних занятиях, - вы помните это?

- Да, думаю, да, - ответил Том, думая:« Это не так уж и далеко от истины. Если бы у меня было сочинение на греческом языке, я должен был сделать не три ошибки, а тридцать».

- Милорд, ваш учитель обещал выпороть меня за это и ...

- Выпороть тебя? - удивился Том. - Почему он хотел выпороть тебя за мои ошибки?

- Ах, Милорд, он всегда сечет вас, когда вы не выучите свои уроки.

- Правда, правда, я забыл, - сказал Том. - Поскольку вы мне делать уроки, он говорит, что вы недостаточно хорошо учите меня, и если я ошибусь ...»

- Учить Вас, Милорд? Я, самый скромный из ваших слуг? Никогда! Но дело таково: никто не может бить принца Уэльского, поэтому, когда он совершает ошибки, я - его мальчик для битья - получаю удары. Это моя работа, и я получаю за это плату».

- И они избили тебя, мой бедный друг?

- Нет, Ваше величество, они собирались пороть меня сегодня, но они не сделали этого из-за смерти короля. Теперь вы больше не Принц Уэльский, вы король Англии, и я боюсь, что теперь вы выбросите все свои книги, потому что никто не может указывать вам, что делать и что не делать. теперь я пропал  и мои бедные сестры со мной.

- Пропал? Почему?

- Моя спина - мой хлеб. О Милорд! Если вы перестанете учиться, вам не понадобится мальчик для битья, и я останусь без работы. Не гоните меня.

Тому было жаль мальчика. Кроме того, он думал, что мальчик может быть полезен в будущем, потому что он жил во дворце и много знал. Том сказал:

- Поднимитесь, Хамфри Марлоу, вы и ваши дети всегда будете иметь должность мальчика для битья в доме короля Англии. Очень скоро я снова возьмусь за свои книги и буду учиться так плохо, что вы юудете получать денег в три раза больше, чем раньше.

- О, багодарю вас, Милорд! Теперь я буду счастлив до конца своих дней, - воскликнул мальчик.

Том попросил Хамфри рассказать о людях во дворце и о занятиях принца в школе. К концу часа он много знал о принце; поэтому он решил поговорить с Хамфри еще как-нибудь.

A. 1. I can read English, but I can not write. 2. I can not answer this question. 3. Now can you speak a little French? - Yes, I can do a little. 4. He can not walk much. 5. The boy was five years old, but he could skate. 6. Could you translate this text? - Yes, I could. 7. Tom could not do it last week. 8. I could only see the picture on the wall. 9. We can have lunch with me. 10. Can you tell me about this? - No I can not. 11.Who can open the door? 12. 12. I could not go to the theater yesterday, I did not have time. 13. You can smoke here. Can you give me this book? - I'm afraid not. 15. Can I have some tea? 16. Can I ask you a question? - Of course. 17. Tomorrow you can take this magazine. 18. Please tell me how to get to Pushkinskaya Street. 19. What can I do for you? 20. Can I leave a briefcase here? - I think yes.

B. 1. I can not do this job right now, I do not have time. 2. I can not eat lunch with you now. I'm translating an article. 3. Could you go to the theater last night? 4. He could come to us last week. 5. I could see this street very well. 6. She could not write a letter to us. 7. We could not discuss this issue on Monday. 8. Kolya was able to send a telegram only in the evening. 9. We were able to talk with these students after class. 10. I can start work tomorrow morning. 11. He can only get there in the evening. 12. Will you be able to translate these articles tomorrow? 13. Will he be able to meet these engineers at five o'clock? 14. She will not be able to finish this work tomorrow. 15. He will not be able to read these books on time. He does not have time. Надеюсь верно перевёл
1 I can't translate this article because i don't have a dictionary. 2 may I see Bill? Certainly. You can find him in the reading hall. 3 I can remember many words at once. 4 yesterday I couldn't come to you because I was busy. 5 he can't go quickly. He is tired. 6 can you sing? Yes, I can. Can you take part in the concert tomorrow? Of course, with pleasure. 7 can you help me to lay the table? I am sorry but I am in a hurry and I can't help you now. 8 I wonder if he can do this work himself 9 if you work hard, you will able to speak English well soon. 10 I couldn't get tickets to the theatre yesterday. 11 my friend can't drive a car well. 12 he is unlikely to have made such a mistake. 13 he couldn't read Latin and understand what the doctor prescribed him 14 could you give me your dictionary? I will return it the day after tomorrow. 15 can she really be the little Lizzy? How much she has grown. 16 can I see the manager? Unfortunately, no. He will be by 12. 17 unfortunately, I can't remember anything about her. It was so long ago. 18 can you roller skate? No, I can't. Neither can I. But Tom can. 19 here it is forbidden to cross the street. Please, go to the passage underground. 20 in spite of difficulties he was able to achieve a lot. 21 he couldn't explain us anything. 22 I can't carry this bag. It is too heavy. 23 he will able to call you only late in the evening. 24 he can't be here anymore. It is very dangerous. 25 I won't be able to believe you until you show me this letter. 26 they can't have noticed us. We were too far away. 27 can you drive a car. No, I can't. I am learning. 28 if the weather doesn't change, we won't be able to go picnicking on Sunday. 29 you can go there on foot. It will take you 10 minutes. 30 it is forbidden to leave a car here. 31 it is possible to get to the city by bus. 32 some parrots can pronounce words and even phrases. 33 could he really be involved in this case? 34 she can't be sleeping now. I have just seen her in the garden. 35 it can be cold in England . 36 I couldn't come to you yesterday in the evening because I had a meeting. 37 when can I talk to you? 38 he couldn't join us. He had a training. 39 could she really have told you about it herself? 40 I can't leave home. I have a fever. 41 she will able to help you if you ask her. 42 could she really be still speaking over the phone. 43 would you kindly tell me the time? 44 you could watch TV if you like. 45 he can't be late. He is always so punctual. 46 he can't have read this book so quickly. It is too hard for him. 47 you can take the dictionary. I don't need it anymore. 48 you shouldn't drink so much coffee in the evenings. 49 you can rely on him. He is a very reliable person. 50 speak louder, please. I don't hear anything.

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Переведите, , не через перевочик the whipping boy in the afternoon tom had a few moments to himself, and a lad of about twelve years of age was brought in to him. he came up to tom with his head bowed and fell on one knee before him. tom sat still and looked at the lad in silence a moment. then he said: “rise, lad! who are you? what do you want? ” the boy rose and said: “you must remember me, my lord. i am your whipping boy.” “my whipping boy? ” “yes, my lord. i am humphrey marlow.” tom did not know what to do or to say. “it seems to me that i remember you, ” he said at last. “but i cannot remember everything, as i am ill.” “oh, my poor master, ” cried the whipping boy, thinking to himself: “it is true — he is mad, the poor fellow. but i forget — i was told not to notice that anything was wrong with him.” “i often forget many things these days, ” said tom. “but pay no attention to it. just tell me what you want.” “two days ago when your majesty made three mistakes in your greek composition in the morning lessons — do you remember it? ” “yes, i think i do, ” answered tom, thinking: “this is not so far from the truth. if / had been having a composition in greek, i should have made not three mistakes, but thirty.” “my lord, your teacher promised to whip me for it and ” “whip you? ” tom cried in surprise. “why did he want to whip you for my mistakes? ” “ah, my lord, he always whips you when you don’t know your lessons.” “true, true — i have forgotten, ” said tom. “since you help me to do my lessons, he says that you don’t teach me well enough, and if i make a mistake ” “teach you, my lord? i, the humblest of your servants? never! but this is how it is: nobody may strike the prince of wales, so when he makes mistakes, i — his whipping boy — get the blows. it is my work and i get the wages for it.” “and have they beaten you, my poor friend? ” “no, your majesty, they were going to beat me today, but they didn’t do it because of the death of the king. now you are no more prince of wales, you are the king of england, and i am afraid that now you will throw all your books away, because nobody can tell you now 260 what to do and what not to do. then i am lost and my poor sisters with me.” “lost? why? ” “my back is my bread. oh, my lord! if you stop studying, you won’t need any whipping boy and i shall have no work. don’t turn me away.” tom was sorry for the boy. besides, he thought the boy could be useful in the future because he lived in the palace and knew a lot. he said: “rise, humphrey marlow, you and your children will always have the post of whipping boy at the royal house of england. very soon i shall take my books again and study so badly that you will get money three times more than before.” “oh, thank you, my lord! now 1 shall be happy as long as i live, ” cried out the boy. tom asked humphrey to talk about the people in the palace and the prince’s lessons in the schoolroom. by the end of an hour he knew a lot of things about the prince; so he decided to talk with humphrey more the other day. (from the prince and the pauper by mark twain)
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