
Ii. this is one of the stories about the famous nasreddin. but the paragraphs are mixed up. decide in what order they should follow. a. wnen they reached the court, lord enibi and judge cadi were already there, talking and laughing together. as soon as the judge saw the poor man, he shouted angrily, "you should be ashamed of yourself! you have filled yourself up with the smells from lord enibi's restaurant. but you haven't paid him penny. pay him at once, do you hear! " b. the poor man sighed, "life is hard for people as poor as i am. yesterday i was passing the restaurant owned by lord enibi. i stopped for a moment because the food smelled so nice. lord enibi ran out of the restaurant and said he had caught me swallowing the smell of his food. he handed me a bill, but i hadn't a single penny to pay him. so he took me to judge cadi. the judge is going to pass sentence today. could you possibly come to the court with me and say something in my defence? " c. in the north of china there lived effendi nasreddin. he was the cleverest man for miles around, and many people came to ask for his advice. once a poor man came to see him for just this reason. he bowed very low, and said: “i have a great favour to ask of you." "i shall be delighted if i can be of help to you. so tell me what i can do, " replied the effendi. d. "can you hear the money rattling, my lord? " said the effendi. "don't be silly! i'm not deaf, of course i can hear it, " replied lord enibi crossly. "excellent. i'm so glad that is settled. my brother smelled your food cooking and now you have heard his money jingling. so that puts things straight between you.” and with that, effendi nasreddin turned on his heel and gave the poor man his arm. together they walked out of the court. e. the effendi stepped forward and bowed the deepest of bows. "it so happens that this poor man is my younger brother. he hasn't a cent, so i've come along to settle his debt." then he took the purse that hung on his belt, held it up to lord enibi's ear and shook it till all the coins jingled inside. запишите по порядку что за кем

Английский язык



1. C

2. B

3. A

4. E

5. D

Dear Sam,
Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear front you so soon.
You asked me to tell you about Moscow. Well, it is a very beautiful city especially in autumn when all trees are of different colors. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. It's an ancient fortress with beautiful churches inside.
Moscow is a unique city, where history and modern life are brought together. In the one hand, you can enjoy traditional Russian festivals such as Maslenitsa. On the other hand, Moscow is a modern 24-hour city where you can visit different theaters, cinemas and exhibitions.
By the way, will you tell me about your school and school life? Do you have any clubs at school? Are you given much homework? Please write back. 
I look forward to your reply.

ответ:Земледелие - это выращивание растений (пахотное земледелие) и скота, как правило, для получения прибыли. Больше людей в мире живут сельским хозяйством, чем любым другим занятием, и многие другие находят работу, готовя сельскохозяйственные продукты для рынка.

Фермы могут быть большими или маленькими, на богатых или бедных землях, и могут производить любую из сотен продуктов. Большинство из них являются продуктами питания для людей или животных, но сельское хозяйство также производит шерсть, лен для производства льна, шелк и множество других непродовольственных товаров. Жизнь на ферме зависит от того, что это за ферма и где она находится. Жизнь на огромном овечьем ранчо в Австралии совсем не похожа на жизнь рисоводов в Индонезии или Молочников В Соединенных Штатах или на Британских островах.

Практически каждая развитая страна поддерживает доходы своих фермеров. Такая поддержка ложится тяжелым бременем на налогоплательщика. Несмотря на эту поддержку, средний фермер имеет низкий доход. Любое вмешательство в национальную финансовую поддержку сельского хозяйства вызывает политическую бурю, особенно со стороны более бедных фермеров, которые нуждаются в этой поддержке, чтобы выжить

Фермеры должны предоставлять свой собственный капитал или привлекать его в кредит для большинства своих улучшений. Многие фермеры распахивают все, что могут себе позволить, после того как поддерживают свои семьи

Кредиты требуются на три основных срока погашения. Существуют долго кредиты на покупку или рекультивацию земли. Большинство кредитов на модернизацию зданий и основного оборудования выдаются на срок до десяти лет. Сезонные кредиты необходимы для покрытия семян или удобрений до тех пор, пока урожай не будет продан.

Становится все труднее финансировать развитие сельского хозяйства за счет собственной прибыли.


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Ii. this is one of the stories about the famous nasreddin. but the paragraphs are mixed up. decide in what order they should follow. a. wnen they reached the court, lord enibi and judge cadi were already there, talking and laughing together. as soon as the judge saw the poor man, he shouted angrily, "you should be ashamed of yourself! you have filled yourself up with the smells from lord enibi's restaurant. but you haven't paid him penny. pay him at once, do you hear! " b. the poor man sighed, "life is hard for people as poor as i am. yesterday i was passing the restaurant owned by lord enibi. i stopped for a moment because the food smelled so nice. lord enibi ran out of the restaurant and said he had caught me swallowing the smell of his food. he handed me a bill, but i hadn't a single penny to pay him. so he took me to judge cadi. the judge is going to pass sentence today. could you possibly come to the court with me and say something in my defence? " c. in the north of china there lived effendi nasreddin. he was the cleverest man for miles around, and many people came to ask for his advice. once a poor man came to see him for just this reason. he bowed very low, and said: “i have a great favour to ask of you." "i shall be delighted if i can be of help to you. so tell me what i can do, " replied the effendi. d. "can you hear the money rattling, my lord? " said the effendi. "don't be silly! i'm not deaf, of course i can hear it, " replied lord enibi crossly. "excellent. i'm so glad that is settled. my brother smelled your food cooking and now you have heard his money jingling. so that puts things straight between you.” and with that, effendi nasreddin turned on his heel and gave the poor man his arm. together they walked out of the court. e. the effendi stepped forward and bowed the deepest of bows. "it so happens that this poor man is my younger brother. he hasn't a cent, so i've come along to settle his debt." then he took the purse that hung on his belt, held it up to lord enibi's ear and shook it till all the coins jingled inside. запишите по порядку что за кем
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