
Philip blake is mr blake’s elder son. he has got a small house in bishopton. bishopton is a small place near london. philip works in london. he is the manager of a plant. he always goes to london in the morning on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. he doesn't go to his office on saturday and sunday. every morning philip looks through newspapers. he is interested in the latest political and business events. sometimes philip goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. he is a very busy man. floy robinson is a secretary to mr philip blake. her office is not large. she has got a typewriter, and many letters, cables and telexes on her desk. every morning from monday to friday floy comes to the office at nine. at 10 o'clock floy usually looks through the mail and at 11 she comes into the manager's office with the letters. the manager reads them and gives answers to the letters. floy writes them in her book and goes to her office. floy usually has lunch at home but sometimes she has lunch at the plant with her friend tom. she stays in the office till 5. in the evening floy has french lessons. she learns the french language with pleasure. floy wants to know french well to read books and see films in french.

Английский язык


Филип Блэйк-старший сын Мистера Блейка. У него маленький домик в Бишоптоне. Бишоптон-небольшое место недалеко от Лондона. Филип работает в Лондоне. Он управляющий завода. Он всегда отправляется в Лондон утром в понедельник, вторник, среду, четверг и пятницу. Он не ходит в свой офис по субботам и воскресеньям. Каждое утро Филипп просматривает газеты. Интересуется последними политическими и деловыми событиями. Иногда Филипп ездит в разные города, чтобы обсудить дела со своими клиентами. Он очень занятой человек. Флой Робинсон-секретарь Мистера Филипа Блейка. Ее кабинет не большой. У нее есть пишущая машинка и много писем, кабелей и телексов на столе. Каждое утро с понедельника по пятницу Флой приходит в офис в девять. В 10 часов Floy обычно просматривает почту и в 11 она приходит в офис менеджера с письмами. Менеджер читает их и дает ответы на письма. Флой записывает их в свою книгу и идет к ней в офис.
Floy обычно обедает дома, но иногда она обедает на заводе со своим другом Томом. Она оставалась в офисе до 5. Вечером у Флой уроки французского. Она с удовольствием учит французский язык. Флой хочет хорошо знать французский, читать книги и смотреть фильмы на французском языке.
Вопросительная форма: Is the USA one of the most highly developed States? Отрицательная форма: The USA isn't one of the most highly developen states. Вопросительная форма: Has it 5% of the world's population? Отрицательная форма: It hasn't 5% or the world's population. Вопросительная форма: Is the manufacture of transportation equipment includes motor vehicles, aircraft and space equipment? Отрицательная форма: Manufacture isn't of transportation equipment includest motor vehicles, aircraft and space equipment.
Look! Now we have a big house. We have four bedrooms, a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. Ally and I have our own rooms.
- The house is really big! (1) _Did you buy __ (you buy) any new furniture?
- Yes, our parents (2) have already bought___ (already buy) this beautiful dining table. Today we will have dinner together here and mum (3)_have already sewn__ (already sew) new curtains.
Oh, the room is really beautiful. Can you show me my room?
- Of course, we can. It is next to my room. Mum (4)_has just redecorated__ (just redecorate) it
- (5) _Has she put__ (she put) a new carpet on the floor? 
- Yes, she has. And she (6) __has made_ (make) this lamp.
-It is very cosy here.
(7) __Have you seen_ (you see) the flowers in the garden?
- Yes, I have. (8) _Did you help__ (you help) your Dad with the flowers?
- Yes, I do. I always help him in the garden. We (9) _planted__ (plant) these flowers together.
- Good girl !

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Philip blake is mr blake’s elder son. he has got a small house in bishopton. bishopton is a small place near london. philip works in london. he is the manager of a plant. he always goes to london in the morning on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. he doesn't go to his office on saturday and sunday. every morning philip looks through newspapers. he is interested in the latest political and business events. sometimes philip goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. he is a very busy man. floy robinson is a secretary to mr philip blake. her office is not large. she has got a typewriter, and many letters, cables and telexes on her desk. every morning from monday to friday floy comes to the office at nine. at 10 o'clock floy usually looks through the mail and at 11 she comes into the manager's office with the letters. the manager reads them and gives answers to the letters. floy writes them in her book and goes to her office. floy usually has lunch at home but sometimes she has lunch at the plant with her friend tom. she stays in the office till 5. in the evening floy has french lessons. she learns the french language with pleasure. floy wants to know french well to read books and see films in french.
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