иванович Диденко1524

Do it on your own do project work 1.complete a new page in your english album. write about the place where you live. write what you like about it, what makes it interesting, unusial, good to live in. use pictures to illustrate your story. ask your family or ftiends to help if necessary.

Английский язык


Сделать это на свой собственный проект действительно работают 1.заполните новую страницу в ваш альбом. написать о месте, где вы живете. напишите, что вам нравится, что делает его интересным, необычном, хорошо живем. используйте фотографии, чтобы проиллюстрировать свой рассказ. спросить семьей или друзьями, чтобы в случае необходимости.

lately, people have not thought about the harm they bring to humanity. in front of everyone, nature is dying slowly.

people burn everything, build factories in order to provide themselves well, not thinking that they can harm their children and grandchildren, that they will not live comfortably in this dead nature. the air is full of different gases that make it difficult for living beings to breathe, starting with a person, ending with plants that help usTo breathe fresh air.we need to think about the future. I think that the solution to this all-come up with something that will not interfere with polluting the environment and give the opportunity to live a beautiful planet .

Was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer, citizen of the Republic of Geonoa. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. Those voyages, and his efforts to establish permanent settlements on the island of Hispaniola, initiated the Spanish colonization of the New World. In the context of emerging western imperialism and economic competition between European kingdoms through the establishment of trade routes and colonies, Columbus' proposal to reach the East Indies by sailing westward, eventually received the support of the Spanish Crown, which saw in it a chance to enter the spice trade with Asia through a new westward route. During his first voyage in 1492, instead of reaching Japan as he had intended, Columbus landed in a New World, landing in the Bahamas archipelago, on an island he named San Salvador. Over the course of three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire. Though Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas (having been preceded by the Norse expedition led by Leif Ericson in the 11th century), his voyages led to the first lasting European contact with the Americas, inaugurating a period of European exploration, conquest, and colonization that lasted for several centuries. They had, therefore, an enormous impact in the historical development of the modern Western world. Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.[4] Never admitting that he had reached a continent previously unknown to Europeans, rather than the East Indies he had set out for, Columbus called the inhabitants of the lands he visited indios (Spanish for "Indians"). Columbus' strained relationship with the Spanish crown and its appointed colonial administrators in America led to his arrest and dismissal as governor of the settlements on the island of Hispaniola in 1500, and later to protracted litigation over the benefits which Columbus and his heirs claimed were owed to them by the crown.

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Do it on your own do project work 1.complete a new page in your english album. write about the place where you live. write what you like about it, what makes it interesting, unusial, good to live in. use pictures to illustrate your story. ask your family or ftiends to help if necessary.
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