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Just as the internet revolutionized how the world accessed information and communication through the 1990's the ongoing development in speed, bandwidth, and functionality will continue to cause fundamental changes to how our world operates for decades to come. Millions of people worldwide are using the internet to share information, make new association and communicate. Individual and businesses, from students and journalists, to consultants, programmers and corporate giants are all harnessing g the power of the internet. The major trends Globalism, Communities, Virtual realities, Bandwidth, Wireless, Grids, and Integration are shaping the future of the internet are summarized paragraph by paragraph along with extrapolated predictions.
The future of the internet global distribution of information and knowledge at lower and lower cost will continue to lift the world community and generation to come. People will have access to any information they wish, get smarter and sooner and be more aware of the world outside their local environment. A better inform humanity will make better macro-level decisions, and an increasingly integrated world will drive international relations towards a global focus. Attachment countries will marginally decreases and attachment to the earth as a shared resource will significantly increases.
The future of the internet communication revolution is ongoing, now unities communities as it recently united networks. Not everything about the internet is global; an interconnected world is also locally interconnected. The internet will increasingly be used for communication within communities as much as across countries local communities will organize in virtual space and take increasing advantage of group communication tools such as mailing list, News groups, and websites, and towns, and cities will become more organized and empowered at the neighborhood level.

The future of internet technology revolution will continue to be made in human's image. Experiments with wide area voice and video communication on the internet began to be held in early 1990's. VOIP began to be used voice communication in 2002. Internet video phones would not be far behind. The virtual reality will be applied to innovative ways to navigate the internals information universe, for hyper realistic games, and for group communications. There will come a day when we will be able to have dinner with a group of friends each in a different city. The increasingly sophisticated virtual experiment will continue to change how we understand the nature of reality, experience, art, and human relation.
The future of internet growth in bandwidth viability shows little sign of. Cable modems and telephones based on DSL modems will continue to spread high speed internet throughout populated areas. High resolution audio, video, and virtual reality will be increasingly available online and on demand, and the cost of all kinds of internet connection will continue of drop.
The future of internet wireless communications is the wireless frequencies has two great advantages, one is there are no infrastructure startup or maintenance costs other than the basic stations, and other is it free users to become mobile, taking internet use from an dimensions to three. Wireless internet networks will offer increasingly faster services at vastly lower costs over wider distances, eventually pushing out physical transmission systems. The internet open TCP/IP design was originally inspired by use of radio communication network in 1970's. The wireless technologies experimented with in the 1990's were continually improved by the early 2000's several technologies provides reliable, secure, high bandwidth networking that work in crowded city centers and on the move, providing nearly the same mobility for internet communications as for the cellular phone.
The future of internet grid movements is an inevitable as the spread of the internet seems now. The connection of thousands of computers on the internet together to solve problems, often called "grid computing". In a large scale example of the connected internet computer cycle from home users across the world will be harnessed together to be provide enormous reservoirs of computer power for all sorts of purposes. Increasingly used for scientific and engineering research, grids can create processing power houses for larger than any one organization by itself.
The future of the internet integration with an increasingly number of other technology is as natural as a musician's experimentation with notes. The internet will become increasingly integrated with phones, televisions, home appliances, portable digital assistance, and range of other small hardware devices, providing an unprecedented, nearly uniform layer of integrated data communication. User will be able to across, status, and control this connected infrastructure from anywhere on the internet.
Teacher wants to now what places Kate visited.
Teacher wonders if Nina went to Tretyakov Gallery.
Teacher asks what Natasha's impression of the city were.
Teacher wonders where Sasha was this afternoon.
Teacher wants to know if Denis saw any films.
Teacher is interested to know why Lora didnt buy any cinema tickets.
Teacher asks if Andrew found the way to the circus easily.
Teacher asks who explained the way to the city centre to Nick.
Teacher wonders what made the greatest impression on Boris.
Teacher asks how long it took Paul to have a tour of Kremlin.
Very often people try to eliminate excess weight by means of independently picked up diets in spite of the fact that always it is possible to use the help of experienced experts. Why? Because it at first sight seems very simple decision. However actually harm of diets is comparable with harm of selftreatment for this reason It is necessary to tell that incorrectly picked up diet can carry the true danger, instead of simply harm. We will survey some power supply systems which can be potentially dangerous to the person: The diets based on including in a ration of a large amount of proteins There is a lot of such diets, and all of them are popular as are actually effective. Thus It should be noted their such negative sides, as depression of efficiency of the person, vitality loss, as well as problems in the genesial sphere. Thus such power supply systems can be very dangerous to people with diseases of kidneys for this reason to abuse them is inadmissible. The diets based on the use of one product The wise nature put in the person aspiration to a variety which is expressed and in alimentary habits. However actually long use in nutrition of one product attracts emergence of neurologic disorders, as well as allergies, to get rid from which in the future it will be very difficult. Japanese diet This type of a delivery is focused on correction of a metabolism which upon sharp transition to the new menu can strongly suffer and glitch. For this reason dietarians persistently warn about danger of such diet and advise to refuse it. The diets based on lack of fats Fats are vital to the person, therefore depression of their consumption to level which less than daily norm can be dangerous. Dietarians advise not to take such radical measures and to correct amount of fats in a ration only a little, otherwise instead of a slim figure it is possible to receive sterility and problems with a metabolism. The diets based on the use of sweets For sweet teeth it is ideal option which from a position of dietology is very dangerous. At best a consequence of such power supply system there can be problems with teeth, and in the inferior thus it is possible to get diseases of a pancreas, kidneys and a liver. Diets for fast weight reduction Until recently such diets were at popularity peak, however now, fortunately, the number of their admirers is reduced. There is it because such methods of weight reduction yield short-term result which is lost very quickly, thus harm from such weight reduction remains for the rest of life. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion on harm of the majority of known diets and that, despite their variety, optimum there is the healthy delivery which has become a habit.

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