
Choose the correct form of the word. 1.everybody … present (is, arewe can start the news … good news (is, are).3.mathematics … an exact science (is, are).4.some of the information … wrong (was, were).5.some of the papers … missing (was, were).6.our football team … strong (is, are).7.the team … wearing blue football shirts (was, were).8.some points of the article … interesting (is, are) one … the exact time the accidend occurred (knows, know).10.most of the furniture … old (was, were).11.most of the restaurants … foreign food (serves, serve).12.a lot of people … picasso’s paintings (admire, admires).13.a lot of time … been spent in vain (has, have).14.almost every family … a computer (has, have) family … fond of sports.they all enjoy skiing.16.the unites states … reacted to the incident differently (has, have.

Английский язык



1.Everybody is present .

We can start the discussion.

2.No news is good news .

3.Mathematics is an exact science .

4.Some of the information was wrong .

5.Some of the papers were missing .

6.Our football team is strong .

7.The team is wearing blue football shirts .

8.Some points of the article are interesting .

9.No one knows  the exact time the accidend occurred .

10.Most of the furniture was old .

11.Most of the restaurants serve foreign food .

12.A lot of people  admire Picasso’s paintings .

13.A lot of time has been spent in vain .

14.Almost every family has a computer .

15.My family is fond of sports.They all enjoy skiing.

16.The Unites States has reacted to the incident differently


Приблизно: Щоб бути здоровим, тобі слід їсти, якомога більше здорової їжі. Вам/Тобі не слід їсти забагато їжі з пакетів(?). Там дуже багато цукру та солі. Їж/Їжте овочі, фрукти, (можливо там nuts?) горіхи, рибу, йогурт та оливкову олію. Вам/Тобі не слід їсти дуже багато м'яса. Натомість їж/їжте помідори, перці, броколі, шпінат та квасолю. Чорний хліб, краще білого. Якщо вам 30, вам слід пити воду, а не газований напій. Найкращя їжа - це місцева їжа. Коли мова йде про вашу їжу, то вона здорова, наповнена вітамінами та мінералами. На сьогоднішній день, багато людей хочуть їсти органічну їжу. Це виробник їжі, без хімікатів, традиційним шляхом.


You перекладається, як ти/ви

Winter- time of the year .This time, when everything around is covered with snow-white carpet of snow, good mood. But the people divided opinion about the winter. I love this time of year. And it has its reasons: It's the most wonderful time, the crunch of snow patterns on the windows, you come home from the cold and the house still warmer than in other seasons .All around covered with white carpet of snow. Looking out the window and enjoy watching the snow fall. But some people do not like the winter because it's cold, slippery, dark early, late brightens. Not only sun, everything dim, they prefer to go to a warmer climate. I do not agree with their opinion, I think it's the most wonderful time of the year .Po fact that: First, you can walk, play in the snow, skating, skiing, sledding. Second, New-Year mood New Year holidays, gifts, family gatherings. Third, the New Year's holiday. Thus, people are divided in opinion about the winter, someone loves this time of year, and some do not. But winter does not escape .and this time of year you can find the positive side, it is necessary only to want.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Choose the correct form of the word. 1.everybody … present (is, arewe can start the news … good news (is, are).3.mathematics … an exact science (is, are).4.some of the information … wrong (was, were).5.some of the papers … missing (was, were).6.our football team … strong (is, are).7.the team … wearing blue football shirts (was, were).8.some points of the article … interesting (is, are) one … the exact time the accidend occurred (knows, know).10.most of the furniture … old (was, were).11.most of the restaurants … foreign food (serves, serve).12.a lot of people … picasso’s paintings (admire, admires).13.a lot of time … been spent in vain (has, have).14.almost every family … a computer (has, have) family … fond of sports.they all enjoy skiing.16.the unites states … reacted to the incident differently (has, have.
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