
Переведити на . существуют разные субкультуры.наприме: байки, пионеры, готы и многие другие.некоторые из них агрессивные, например как байкеры или готы. а теперь разрешите мне рассказать о пионерской субкультуре.мою мамузовут лена ей 38 лет, папу женя-40 лет.во время молодости моих родителей, были такие субкультуры: хиппи, готы, пионеры.моя мама была пионеркой.она рассказывала, что пионер обязан был носить красный галстук.позором считалось придтив школу без галстука с помятым и наспех повязанным.сначала с поступлением в школу ребенка принимали в октябрята. после чего школьник гордо носил на груди звездочку с курчавым мальчиком.а сколько полезных дел былоорганизованно пионерами: сбор макулатуры, сколько бабушек переведено через дорогу, разные игры в свободное время, ездили в разные города на экскурсии. существует много субкультур.еслибы у муня был бы шанс, я выбрала такуюсубкультуру как пионеры, они делают много добрых дел!

Английский язык



there are different  culture.for example:   bikes, pioneers, goths, and etc.some of them are  aggressive, such  as  bikers  and  goths.

and now  let me  tell you about  the pioneering  mother  name is lena-  38 years old,  my father  is  janya-40 years.during  the  youth of  my parents,  were such  subcultures:   hippies,  goths, mother was  pioneer.she  told  that  pioneer  had    required to  wear a red  tie.  it  was a shame  to come  to school  without a tie  a  crumpled  and hastily  tied.  first,  with the arrival of  the child's school  to  take  octobrists.then the  student  proudly wore  on his chest  a star  with  kinky boy.and how many  useful things  were organized  by  pioneers: the collectionof waste paper, how many  grandmothers  transferred  across the road,  different games  in his spare time, went  to different cities  on  trips.there are many  subculters.if i  would  have  a chance,  i chose  a  sub-culture  as pioneers, they  make a lot of  good things!


His name is Pavel and He is 13 years old. He studies in general education school in Novosibirsk. Pavel gets good marks but not the perfect ones. His favorite subjects are geography, physical education and literature. Besides He know English almost perfectly that’s why Pavel likes to go to English lessons too. His height is 155 centimeters which is considered averages in my class maybe a little bit above average. Pavel definitely needs to grow taller, at least 20 more centimeters or 25 will be even better. Pavel thinks that the normal height for a man is 180 centimeters. He weight is 55 kilograms which is normal for his height. His hair is dark blonde and my eyes are grey. His nose and ears are normal and my face doesn’t have any peculiarities just like the rest of my body — Pavel is an absolutely normal average person.He have several hobbies.He main hobby is music.Pavel play guitar very well.Boy knows more than 300 songs and the majority of them are in English that’s why he knows English well.Pavel planning to create my own band,boy looking for partners now and we are rehearsing together. His father likes this hobby of mine because he is a musician but he plays saxophone. His second hobby is sports. He play football, basketball, volleyball and pingpong pretty well. But his favorite sports is workout. It’s something likes gymnastics but it’s done outside. There is a great sports ground outside his house where Pavel likes to do pull-ups, push-ups on parallel bars, run around and play pingpong.His father does it with him often and sometimes his mother does it too but she prefers jogging in the park and go to the swimming pool in winter.

Each person is responsible for our future world. almost everyone starts wondering about the future because it is a mysterious thing. nobody knows exactly what is going to happen next. today i’m a school pupil and hopefully in a few years i will be studying at the university to get higher education. my dream profession is a lawyer. after the university i’d like to work in the field of law and get necessary experience. i’m sure many things will have changed by then. for example, people have already started caring about nature and its resources more. an increasing number of “green” projects are being developed, which i think is only for good. first of all, many buildings that try to use solar energy have been built. green architecture designs environmentally friendly houses. cars are also gradually switching to hybrid or electric power. another future advance involves space flights. even at present days people are interested in flying to the moon or mars. future schools will be also different from where we study today. i think that education will become distant. it means that students will be able to study from their homes, sitting in front of their computers. i don’t think that it’s a good idea because many people will become overweight and less sociable. other future projects include “smart” houses. these houses will be programmed the way their owners want. for example, the lights will turn on whenever people enter the room and go off when they leave it. the doors will open and close automatically. the fridges will start talking. the robots will do the housework. many of these future advances are already in use. =) ?

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Переведити на . существуют разные субкультуры.наприме: байки, пионеры, готы и многие другие.некоторые из них агрессивные, например как байкеры или готы. а теперь разрешите мне рассказать о пионерской субкультуре.мою мамузовут лена ей 38 лет, папу женя-40 лет.во время молодости моих родителей, были такие субкультуры: хиппи, готы, пионеры.моя мама была пионеркой.она рассказывала, что пионер обязан был носить красный галстук.позором считалось придтив школу без галстука с помятым и наспех повязанным.сначала с поступлением в школу ребенка принимали в октябрята. после чего школьник гордо носил на груди звездочку с курчавым мальчиком.а сколько полезных дел былоорганизованно пионерами: сбор макулатуры, сколько бабушек переведено через дорогу, разные игры в свободное время, ездили в разные города на экскурсии. существует много субкультур.еслибы у муня был бы шанс, я выбрала такуюсубкультуру как пионеры, они делают много добрых дел!
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