1. An interesting book was taken in the library last weekend.
2. Children were told about rare books by librarian yesterday.
3. This writer will be invited by schoolchildren to their concert next week.
4. Different fairy-tales were written by the pupils last month.
5. Many interesting books are read by people every day.
6. New school library was opened by them on Monday.
7. English poems are being read by my sister at the lessons.
8. Millions of books are being published by them daily.
9. This horror story will not be translated into English by a boy tomorrow.
10. The atlases are always used by my classmates at the lessons of Geography.
Task 2
1. Atmosphere
2. Read a book
3. library
4. fairy-tale
Task 3
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. b
1. Выбери предложение в Present Perfect:
c) I have done the dishes
2. Выбери предложение в Past Simple
b) I did the dishes
3. Заполни пропуск в отрицательной форме в Present Perfect
She HASN'T cleaned her room yet.
4. Заполни пропуск в отрицательной форме в Present Perfect:
I live in Semey in 2015.
Только пропуск тут дополнить недостаточно, нужно поменять предлог IN на SINCE: I HAVEN'T LIVED in Semey SINCE 2015.
5. Вставь пропущенные слова:
Have YOU FINISHED your homework?
6. Выбери правильное предложение в Present Perfect:
a) I’ve travelled by plane
7. Вставь пропущенные слова.
I HAVEN'T SEEN my parents since June!
8. Выбери формы времени глагола «to be».
c)was f) were
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Тhink of an important event in your countrys history. collect information under the headings: name-date-the reason-what actually happened-how you celebrate it.
Nicholas II abdicated during the February Revolution of 1917, after which he and his family were under house arrest in the Alexander Palace of Tsarskoye Selo. In the summer of 1917, by decision of the Provisional Government, he was sent to exile in Tobolsk with his family and close associates, and in the spring of 1918 he was transferred by the Bolsheviks to Yekaterinburg, where in July 1918 Ipatiev was shot dead along with his family and four close associates.
Николай II отрёкся от престола в ходе Февральской революции 1917 года, после чего находился вместе с семьёй под домашним арестом в Александровском дворце Царского Села. Летом 1917 года по решению Временного правительства был отправлен вместе с семьёй и приближёнными в ссылку в Тобольск, а весной 1918 года перемещён большевиками в Екатеринбург, где в июле 1918 года в подвале дома Ипатьева был расстрелян вместе с семьёй и четырьмя приближёнными.