
Нужную форму глагола (present, past, future indefinite или present, past, future con-tinuous письменно переведите предложения на язык: 1. the vice president usually sets objectives for the stuff. 2. we are looking for a specialist suitable for the position at the present moment. 3. i wonder if peter is back from his marketing trip. i will give him a ring. 4. when the fax arrived, i was having lunch in the canteen. 5. mr.wright will be giving his seminar at 10.23 6. when they took our company over, they made a number of people redundant.

Английский язык



1. The vice president usually sets objectives for the stuff. (Present Simple)

1. Вице-президент обычно ставит цели для своего штаба.

2. We are looking for a specialist suitable for the position at the present moment. (Present Continuous)

2. В настоящий момент мы ищем специалиста, подходящего для этой позиции.

3. I wonder if Peter is back from his marketing trip. I will give him a ring.

(Present Simple and Future Simple)

3. Интересно, вернулся ли Питер из своей маркетинговой поездки. Я позвоню ему.

4. When the fax arrived, I was having lunch in the canteen. ( Past Continuous)

4. Я обедал в столовой когда пришел факс.

5. Mr.Wright will be giving his seminar at 10.23. (Future Continuous)

5.Mr.Wright проведет свой семинар в 10.23

6. When they took our company over, they made a number of people redundant. (Past Simple)

6. Когда они забрали нашу компанию, они сделали ряд людей лишними.

I apologize for not replying to you. I didn`t because I`m busy with studying.  I`m preparing to the exams. We`re having English,Russian and Maths exam. I think the most difficult exam is maths exam. But i do my best to prepare to it. It`s very important for this moment.
You know, I`m going to England after the exams to practice the English language. But I worry it`ll be difficult to adapt to Englishman`s life. But anyway, I`m sure it`ll be a wonderful experience in my life. People should develop their skills, and i think I`m not an exception. Could you be kind to tell me what difficulties i can expect in England?
With the best wishes, ...
P.S каждый может перевести по-разному...) я бы так написала. Но если от вас по примеру требуют...
Nowadays there are a lot of different devices preventing teens to read. Children spend much time playing computer games or surfing the internet instead of reading books. As for me I like reading books about adventures or detective stories. In my free time I usually go for a walk with my friends. I try to be more in the open air and to do sport. In winter I ski or skate. In summer I often swim or jug in the park. In cold days I go to gym. And of cause like all teens I spend some time to surf the internet.

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Нужную форму глагола (present, past, future indefinite или present, past, future con-tinuous письменно переведите предложения на язык: 1. the vice president usually sets objectives for the stuff. 2. we are looking for a specialist suitable for the position at the present moment. 3. i wonder if peter is back from his marketing trip. i will give him a ring. 4. when the fax arrived, i was having lunch in the canteen. 5. mr.wright will be giving his seminar at 10.23 6. when they took our company over, they made a number of people redundant.
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