My mother's father is my grandfather. (Отец моей матери -- мой дедушка)
My son's sister is my daughter. (Сестра моего сына -- моя дочь)
I'm his wife, he's my husband. (Я его жена,он мой муж)
My uncle's daughter is my cousin. (Дочь моего дяди -- моя кузина (двоюродная сестра)
I'm her husband, she's my wife. (Я её муж,она моя жена)
My son's daughter is my granddaughter. (Дочь моего сына -- моя внучка)
My cousin's mother is my aunt. (Мать моей кузины -- моя тётя)
My father's mother is my grandmother. (Мать моего отца -- моя бабушка)
My brother's son is my nephew. (Сын моего брата -- мой племянник)
My dad's brothers is my uncles. (Братья моего отца -- мои дяди)
My daughter's brother is my son. (Брат моей дочери -- мой сын)
Твой город
11 November 2020
Dear Jim,
Thanks a lot for your recent letter! I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier I was really busy with my school. In your letter you asked me about sport. I'll try to answer them.
Well, I play soccer in my free time and I go to basketball twice a week. In fact, In our school we only have a gym, and I can use only balls. As for me, not very attractive, but it would be nice. But I want to connect my life with something else.
Ok, I need to do my homework. It's great to receive from you letter! Write back soon.
Best wishes,
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