Юлия Соколовская1568

Найдите в каждом пункте одну грамматическую ошибку и исправьте её 1. when have you watched this performance? 2. do not forget to get a juice from the freezer! 3. glance at what they did! 4. nobody was absent. all members arrived. 5. do not interrupt me! i speak about important things. 6. what dialects of arabic are spoken in uae? 7. how are them? they are fine, thanks. 8. turn on gas! 9. who is your sister? she is a student. 10. who did play football in your family? 11. we are opening a new supermarket. supermarket is likely to bring good profit. 12. we were absolutely sure we will never him again. 13. this issue discussed at the yesterday’s symposium. 14. his grandparents live in small house. 15. car of my uncle is green. 16. to prevent farther questions you need to listen attentively. 17. i want them know all the details. 18. who is on this old picture? 19. when i entered the kitchen my mum cooked dinner. 20. if you will see him tell him it on my part. 21. i feel a strong pain in right side. 22. have you to study in summer? 23. this picture was created young artist. 24. do they can speak chinese? 25. need i to go there if i will not have a chance to talk to him?

Английский язык



1 When did you watch this performance?

2 Do not forget to get some/the juice from the freezer!

3 Glance at / look at what they have done!

4 Nobody was absent. All the members arrived.

5 Do not interrupt me! I am talking about important things.

6 What dialects of Arabic are spoken in the UAE?

7 How are they? They are fine, thanks.

8 Turn on/ off the gas!

9 What is your sister?или what does your sister do? She is a student.

10 Who played football in your family?

11 We are opening a new supermarket. The supermarket is likely to bring a good profit.

12 We were absolutely sure we would never see him again.

13 This issue was discussed at the yesterday’s symposium.

14 His grandparents live in a small house.

15 A car of my uncle или my uncle’s car is green.

16 To prevent further questions you need to listen attentively.

17 I want them to know all the details.

18 Who is this/it on this old picture?

19 When I entered the kitchen my mum was cooking dinner.

20 If you see him,tell him about this on my part.

21 I feel strong pain in the right side.

22 Do you have to study in summer? Или Must you study in summer?

23 This picture was created by a young artist.

24 Can they speak Chinese?

25 Need I go ( или do I need to go) there if I don’t  have a chance to talk to him?

После уроков миссис миллер объявил, "rosemont планирует иметь открытый дом. все мамы и папы могут посетить школу. 2 каждый класс  будет демонстрировать свою лучшую работу, и дети будут в каждой комнате - они будут отвечать на вопросы. 3 другие будут развлекать родителей. для маленьких детская группа выступит ритмы, пятый - и шестое - грейдеры будут делать народные танцы в гимназии, и седьмой - и восьмое - грейдеры даст печенье и кофе в научном зале. некоторые из детей будет поставить спектакль. один из eighth- девочек класса будет прочитать вслух. и младшие дети будут действовать и танцевать в пантомиме ''.
Алтын-Эмельский национальный парк очень большой: он охватывает 4600 км2 на юго-востоке Казахстана. Он лежит между рекой Или и горами Актау. Это очень сухая часть страны, где жизнь трудна. Но в этой сложной среде обитает около 1800 видов растений, включая ивы и жимолость; 32 вида рыб и около 260 видов позвоночных (животные с позвоночником), 11 из которых занесены в красный список исчезающих видов Казахстана. Богатая дикая природа делает парк раем для любителей птиц: наряду с другими редкими птицами, вы можете увидеть четырех видов орлов, включая имперских и беркутов, а также сов. Другие достопримечательности парка - поющие песчаные дюны и горы Актау. Это удивительно красивые и интересные пейзажи. Дюны длиной более 3 км и высотой 500 м. Когда ветер движет песок, он издает звук, похожий на орган. Звук очень громкий в сухую погоду, и его можно услышать за несколько километров. Есть признаки того, что люди жили в этом районе много, много лет назад. Картины на некоторых скалах животных и повседневной жизни тысячи лет. Есть археологические раскопки около 3000 лет назад.
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Найдите в каждом пункте одну грамматическую ошибку и исправьте её 1. when have you watched this performance? 2. do not forget to get a juice from the freezer! 3. glance at what they did! 4. nobody was absent. all members arrived. 5. do not interrupt me! i speak about important things. 6. what dialects of arabic are spoken in uae? 7. how are them? they are fine, thanks. 8. turn on gas! 9. who is your sister? she is a student. 10. who did play football in your family? 11. we are opening a new supermarket. supermarket is likely to bring good profit. 12. we were absolutely sure we will never him again. 13. this issue discussed at the yesterday’s symposium. 14. his grandparents live in small house. 15. car of my uncle is green. 16. to prevent farther questions you need to listen attentively. 17. i want them know all the details. 18. who is on this old picture? 19. when i entered the kitchen my mum cooked dinner. 20. if you will see him tell him it on my part. 21. i feel a strong pain in right side. 22. have you to study in summer? 23. this picture was created young artist. 24. do they can speak chinese? 25. need i to go there if i will not have a chance to talk to him?
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