
Рассказ о событии (использовать все времена) на языке.

Английский язык



Yesterday was a busy day for me.In the morning I didn't watch TV and I didn't listen to music.I helped my mum and dad with the housework.I tidied my room and I cleaned the bathroom.Then it was time to go shopping!We wanted to take the bus to the shops,but the bus didn't stop for us. So we walked all the way to the shops!We shopped for two hours.On the way home,I carried a heavy shopping bag.We didn't walk back home.This time we didn't miss the bus!We arrived back home at four o'clock.I was very tired.What a day!

Вчера был напряженный день для меня.Утром я не смотрел телевизор и не слушал музыку.Я родителям по хозяйству.Я убралась в своей комнате и убралась в ванной.Тогда пришло время ходить по магазинам!Мы хотели сесть на автобус до магазинов,но автобус не остановился для нас. Так мы весь путь до магазинов!Мы делали покупки в течение двух часов.По дороге домой я нес тяжелую хозяйственную сумку.Мы не вернулись домой пешком.На этот раз мы не опоздали на автобус!Мы вернулись домой в четыре часа.Я была очень уставшей.Что за день!


Метро Алматы

Одна из самых удивительных достопримечательностей Алматы

впечатляющая система метро. 1) открыт в

Декабрь 2011 и это быстро, дешево и удобно передвигаться по Алматы, особенно

когда зима когда часто опускается ниже

-10 °! Каждая станция метро уникальна, с

красивая мозаика и витражи. Это

3) самый дешевый путешествовать по городу.


Metro Almaty

One of the most amazing sights of Almaty

impressive metro system. 1) (The system) is open at

December 2011 and it is fast, cheap and convenient.

method 2).

(In the subway to )move around Almaty, especially

when winter when often falls below

-10 °! Each metro station is unique, with

beautiful mosaic and stained glass. it

3) (This is the) cheapest way to travel around the city.

Читай.  Most essential to our body is food. Be moderate in eating. “A man is what he eats”. Some foods are better than others in making strong muscles. Among them are meat, eggs and fish. Some foods are better in helping keep bones, teeth, skin and blood. Among these foods are fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese. If you eat slowly you will never overeat. Never swallow your food. Different foods do different things for our body. Never drink alcohol: first of all it cost a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. Second, the person who drinks will become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined.

Many young people feel guilty about eating too much chocolate. Chocolate does contain a lot of fat. However, if your diet is balanced, eating chocolate in moderation is fine. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the body. Almost all food can be eaten without any cooking at all. Most people ear raw fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for our health. The proverb says: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

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