
С, как правильно читаются предложения. when you your room? i clean my room at five o'clock. what do you do in the evening? i evening playing with my sister. do you have dinner at 8 o'clock? yes i do. i have dinner at 8 o'clock. do you play with your friends at home? yes i do. i play with my friends at home. нужно.

Английский язык



Уэн ю клин ёр рум? Ай клин май рум эт файв оклок. Уот ду ю ду ин зе ивнинг? Ай эм плэинг уиз май систэр. Ду ю хэв динэр эт эйт оклок? Ес ай ду. Ай плэй уиз май фрэндс эт хоум.

Я надеюсь я вас правильно поняла ?


In my composition I would like to tell you about myself and my amicable family. First of all I want to tell you about myself a little. My name is Madina. My surname is Olimova. I am eleven. I like to sing songs, dance, read adventure, fascinating and fantasy books. I study at school №3 in the fifth form. I would like to say that I am a good student. I like my school very much. At our school we study a lot of interesting, useful, necessary and important subjects in our live such as: Maths, Literature, History, P.E, I.T and many others. I learn two foreign languages: English and German. Particularly I likean English language. At the lessons we speak English, learn easy poems and songs by heart, ask and answer the questions, read and translate stories and articles connected with lives and traditions of our contemporaries in English-speaking countries from English into Russian. We know much new and entertaining information at these lessons. My teacher explains well and we understand her excellently. She is kind, clever and cheerful. She can interest us and make our lessons more colourful. At my school there are some kinds of circles and we attend them with pleasure. Also I go to the musical school and play the piano. I have got a dream to become a teacher at the musical school.

And now I would like to tell you about my amicable family. My family consists of my parents, two sisters and I. We live in a beautiful town Rtizhchevo. I can say that our family is not big but we love one another very much. My father`s name is Dadoshon. My mother`s name is Lola. My sistrers` names are Navbahora and Zilola. All the members of our family have their own hobbies but we don`t forget about general hobby to spend our weekends together. We like to do different things in different seasons: gather berries and mushrooms in the forest, swim, run in the morning, play volleyball, skate and ski. We are an excellent family

"He agreed (meet) me at the station at 9 in the evening."

Хорошо, давай разберем эту фразу по шагам.

1. Первое, что нужно сделать, это определить, какой вид глагола необходимо использовать в данном случае. В данном случае у нас есть выбор между глаголом "to meet" и глаголом "to met".

2. Вспомним правила для образования глагола в форме прошедшего времени. Обычно для большинства глаголов мы добавляем окончание "-ed", но существуют и исключения.

3. В данном случае, глагол "to meet" принимает форму "met" в прошедшем времени.

4. Теперь, когда мы определились с формой глагола в прошедшем времени, можем вставить его в исходную фразу. Получится: "He agreed to met me at the station at 9 in the evening."

Однако, такой вариант неправильный. Давай попробуем еще раз.

5. Как мы ранее обсуждали, форма прошедшего времени для глагола "to meet" - "met". Поэтому, правильный вариант будет: "He agreed to meet me at the station at 9 in the evening."

Вот так выглядит правильный ответ с подробными объяснениями и пошаговым решением, чтобы сделать его более понятным школьнику.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

С, как правильно читаются предложения. when you your room? i clean my room at five o'clock. what do you do in the evening? i evening playing with my sister. do you have dinner at 8 o'clock? yes i do. i have dinner at 8 o'clock. do you play with your friends at home? yes i do. i play with my friends at home. нужно.
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