
Спо . complete the sentences (1-10) with the most suitable preposition (a-j): a)in b)for c) above d) at e)from f)to g)for h)on i)in j)of. 1. they were very popular the middle of the 19th century. 2. for a company, the demand comes customers . 3. the secretary will book him later flight. 4. don't jump conclusions ! 5. higher productivity makes possible a higher standard 6. we are more polite to people who are in the company`s hierarchy. 7. avoiding bad manners is a simple thing to do. 8. he travelled to japan . 9. they haven`t been very successful past ten days. 10. each person has responsibility specific area of work.

Английский язык


1. They were very popular in the middle of the 19th Century.

2. For a company, the demand comes of customers .

3. The secretary will book him at a later flight.

4. Don't jump from conclusions !

5. Higher productivity makes possible a higher standard on living

6. We are more polite to people who are above us in the company`s hierarchy.

7. Avoiding bad manners to work is a simple thing to do.

8. He travelled to Japan for 2001.

9. They haven`t been very successful in the past ten days.

10. Each person has responsibility for a specific area of work.
1. Be Friendly

While there will be times you'll need to put your head down and cram, remember, this is a collaborative space, and it's supposed to be, well, collaborative. So spend some time introducing yourself to your fellow co-workers and attending the happy hours or events held there.

2. Be Self-Sufficient

That means, whenever possible, figure things out on your own before you disturb people with questions.

3. Come On, Feel the Noise
Co-working space hosts work hard to create a specific environment, which may or may not include library-level silence. It’s important to know the noise policy, for your own benefit and for others, so check with the host before you settle in.
- Все листы с экзаменами в ящике в моём офисе - сказала мисс Кей. - Но этим утром ящик был открыт и я посмотрела туда... Это было волнующе, я думала. Листы по химии не находились в нём. - Что ты сделала? - спросила Миссис Прайс. - Я зашла туда. Листы с экзаменами лежали на парте Мистера Робертса. Я побежала в библиотеку. Они сказали, что у Мистера Робертса листы с экзаменами. Я позвала Нишу. " Это ужасно. " сказала я. " Но я в это не верю ". В Итоге мы пошли искать правду, узнавать, что же произошло. " Не будь глупой " сказала Ниша. " Мы не можем ничего сделать ". " Еще как можем " сказала я. " Директор думал, что у Мистера Робертса есть листы с экзаменами. Но я думаю, их кто-то взял " . " Но кто? " спросила Ниша. " И зачем? ". Когда мы пошли дальше, я сказала ей...

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Спо . complete the sentences (1-10) with the most suitable preposition (a-j): a)in b)for c) above d) at e)from f)to g)for h)on i)in j)of. 1. they were very popular the middle of the 19th century. 2. for a company, the demand comes customers . 3. the secretary will book him later flight. 4. don't jump conclusions ! 5. higher productivity makes possible a higher standard 6. we are more polite to people who are in the company`s hierarchy. 7. avoiding bad manners is a simple thing to do. 8. he travelled to japan . 9. they haven`t been very successful past ten days. 10. each person has responsibility specific area of work.
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