Есть ли у вас конфликты с вашей семьей? Что вы делаете, чтобы их разрешить?
Of course, i love to read a lot, so i have many favorite characters. but i will tell you only about one of them. it's harry potter. it is called the boy-who-lived. there once was a boy named harry, destined to be a star. his parents were killed by volan-de-mort. after this incident, he was left with a lightning scar. harry goes to hogwarts. meets ron and hermione. distribution hat identified him to gryffindor. soon he meets his godfather - sirius. but he dies, fighting with bellatrix ron break his wand, now ginny's gone and harry potter in mortal danger. tom riddle hides his snake harry found secret chamber. split your suol, to seven parts of a whole. at the end of the history lord volan-de-mort dies fron his own spell. hogwarts has been restored.
My mother has got dark(light black) hair .She is beautiful. Her height is about 1.80 centimeters . She works as a assistant manager. Her brows are light brown. My father has got dark hair and dark brows. He is 50 years old .He has his own business and he wors as a seller .His height is 1.40 centimeters. My father is kind . I am Sergey. I am 17 years old .I am a student of technical college. My height is 1.80 centimeters. I have got light brown soft hair .I have a round face .I have my own little business and scholarship is as addition for me . I am sure that i will get red diploma.
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Do you have any conflicts with your family? what do you do to revsolve them?
Есть ли у вас конфликты с вашей семьей? Что вы делаете, чтобы их разрешить?