
3. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: everest is in the world. it is than any other mountain. a) the most right, more higher b) higher, the higher c) the highest, the more high d) the highest, higher e) the most high, higher 4. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: the usa is large but canada is a) the most large b) the most largest c) larger d) the largerst e) the larger 5. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: are you as as your friend? a) young b) more younger c) most young d) younger e) youngest 6. the national emblem of england is the a) white rose b) thistle c) daffodil d) shamrock e) red rose 7. the national emblem of scotland is the a) daffodil b) red rose c) thistle d) shamrock e) white rose 8. the national emblem of wales is the a) red rose b) thistle c) daffodil d) shamrock e) white rose 9. choose the correct variant: the parliament of kazakhstan is divided into majilis and … . a) the house of representatives b) the house of lords c) maslikhat d) senate e) akimat 10. choose the correct preposition: kazakhstan borders … five countries. a) of b) with c) at d) on e ) in 11. choose the correct word: the national … of kazakhstan is eagle. a) currency b) sign c) object d) bank e) symbol 12. choose the correct answer: kazakhstan is a large country. the total … of its borders is more than 15000 km. a) population b) length c) landscape d) borders e) area 13. choose the correct answer: what is the most popular sport in new zealand? a) golf b) tennis c) football d) rugby e) basketball 14. choose the correct answer: “astana” is the kazakh word for: a) capital b) republic c) population d) area e) border 15. choose the correct answer: when were the flag and the emblem of kazakhstan adopted? a)1994 b)1993 c)1992 d)1995 e)1997 16. choose the right answer: a home that is usually on one floor of a larger building a) flat b) terraced c) semi-detached houses d) rented e) holiday homes 17. choose the right answer: building that contain a number of separate flats a) apartment blocks b) semi-detached houses c) rented d) holiday homes e) flat 18. choose the right answer: lived in by someone who pays money to the owner a) flat b) apartment blocks c) semi-detached houses d) holiday homes e) rented 19. choose the right form of the verb: we can go out now. it … any more. a) aren’t raining b) isn’t raining c) rains d) won’t rain e) isn’t rain 20. choose the right form of the verb: mike … in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday. a) was going b) has walked c) have walked d) is walking e) is walking 21. choose the right form of the verb: when i came home my parents … a) watched tv b) watch tv c) will watch tv d) were watching tv e) was watching tv 22. choose the right form of the verb: what … your father … at this time yesterday? a) will/do b) does/do c) is/doing d) was/doing e) did/do 23. put the verb into the present perfect tense: they __ __ __the lesson. a) have not understood b) has not understood c) have not understand d) has not understand e) has not understanding 24. choose the right form of the verb: we from her since may. a) have heard b) weren't hearing c) had heard d) haven't heard e) hasn’t heard 25. choose the right form of the verb: betty her sister since last year. a) did not see b) does not see c) saw d) have not seen e) has not seen 26. choose the right translation: мешіт/мечеть a) a museum b) a mosque c) a church d) a castle e) a library 27.fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence: we’re lucky with our hotel. a) too b) such c) such an d) so e) very 28. find the right english equivalent for the following: a) chemistry b) politics c) physics d) history e) literature 29. find the right english equivalent for the following: / әдебиет a) history b) literature c) physics d) chemistry e) politics 30.find the right english equivalent for the following: сдать вступительный экзамен / түсу емтиханын тапсыру a) pass an entrance exam b) pass the final exams c) study subjects d) get a degree e) finish the course

Английский язык


3d 4c 5a 6e 7c 11e 12b 20b 21d 22d 23a 24d 25e 26c 28a 29b 30a
Остальное не знаю
Ondon is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. The Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried. The Houses of Parliament are often referred to as the Palace of Westminster.

The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben. Big Ben strikes every quarter of an hour.

To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls. In the centre of the West End the Trafalgar Square is situated with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.

To the east of Westminster is East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke Buckingham. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place in its courtyard.

There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum. The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library — one of the richest in the world.

There are many beautiful parks in London. St James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of London.


Лондон — столица Великобритании, ее политический, экономический и культурный центр. Это один из крупнейших городов мира. Его население — более 9 миллионов человек. Лондон расположен на реке Темзе. Он был основан более двух тысяч лет назад.

Лондон — это древний город. Он появился там, где римские завоеватели решили построить мост через Темзу.

Лондон состоит из четырех частей: Вест-Энд, Ист-Энд, Сити и Вестминстер.

Сити — это старейшая часть Лондона, ее финансовый и деловой центр. В этой части столицы расположено много офисов, компаний и банков. Сердце Сити — это фондовая биржа. В Сити расположены Тауэр и Собор Святого Павла.

Вестминстер — это тоже важный район столицы. Это административный центр Лондона. Здесь находится Парламент, в котором заседает британское правительство. Напротив Парламента находится Вестминстерское Аббатство, где короновались короли и королевы, и похоронены многие знаменитые люди. Здание Парламента часто называют Вестминстерским Дворцом.

Башни Парламента высоко возвышаются над городом. На самой высокой башне находятся самые большие часы в стране — Биг Бен. Они бьют каждую четверть часа.

К западу от Вестминстера находится Вест-Энд, самый богатый район Лондона. Здесь много роскошных отелей, супермаркетов, кинотеатров и концертных залов. В центре Вест-Энда находится Трафальгарская площадь со знаменитой статуей лорда Нельсона.

К востоку от Вестминстера находится Ист-Энд, промышленный район столицы. Здесь расположена большая часть заводов и фабрик.

Официальная лондонская резиденция королевы — Бугингемский Дворец. Этот дворец был построен в 1703 году герцогом Бэкингемом. В его внутреннем дворе каждый день проходит церемония смены караула.

В Лондоне много музеев. Например, Британский музей, музей естественной истории, музей науки. Британский музей — это самый крупный музей Лондона. Он знаменит своей библиотекой — одной из богатейших в мире.

В Лондоне много красивых парков. Сент-Джеймский парк, Зеленый парк, Гайд-Парк и Кенсингтонские сады связаны друг с другом и вместе составляют более 300 гектаров парковых территорий в центре Лондона.
My family is quite big. We are five: my mother, my father, my younger sister, my grandfather and I.<br />My sister’s name is Lana, she is 2 years younger than me. We study at the same school. Lana is a pretty and calm girl. She is good at dancing and knitting. She says she is going to become a designer after school. My sister and I are very close friends. As for me, my hobbies are listening to music, swimming and travelling. Moreover I am also fond of learning foreign languages.<br />Our dad’s name is Igor. He is a supervisor in the food industry. He is tall and strong. We all adore his good sense of humour. He loves telling jokes and it always helps us when we are in a bad mood. Dad loves playing football, going fishing and cooking. Besides he can repair almost everything in our house. By the way my sister and I look like our dad.<br />My mother’s name is Dina. I think she is very beautiful and intelligent. Mum is a bit serious but she is very popular among her colleagues and her friends. They really respect her. She is fond of reading and going to theatres. Mother has worked as an accountant in a bank for 15 years already.<br />My granddad is a pensioner. He is quite old and he lives with us. He loves watching TV and making delicious pies.<br />My parents are very kind, caring and hard-working. They are always busy but they try to give us everything we need and deserve.<br />We have a summer house and an orchard in the country and we spend our summer weekends there. Our grandfather loves gardening, growing vegetables, berries and flowers. Our favourite family holidays are New Year’s Day and Easter. We usually invite our friends, cook fantastic food and sing karaoke. I really enjoy the time that we spend with our family together.<br />Перевод<br />Моя семья довольно большая. Нас пятеро: мама, папа, младшая сестренка, дедушка и я.<br />Мою сестру зовут Лана, она младше меня на 2 года. Мы учимся в одной школе. Лана красивая и спокойная девочка. Она хорошо танцует и вяжет. Она говорит, что собирается стать дизайнером после школы. Мы с сестрой близкие друзья. Что касается меня, мои увлечения – это музыка, плавание и путешествие. Более того, я увлекаюсь изучением иностранных языков.<br />Нашего папу зовут Игорь. Он контролер в пищевой промышленности. Он сильный и высокий. Мы все обожаем его хорошее чувство юмора. Он любит рассказывать шутки, и это всегда нам, когда у нас плохое настроение. Папа любит играть в футбол, ходить на рыбалку и готовить. Кроме того, он может отремонтировать почти все в доме. Кстати, мы с сестрой внешне похожи на него.<br />Мою маму зовут Дана. Думаю, что она очень красивая и умная. Мама немного серьезна, но она очень популярна среди своих коллег и подруг. Они ее очень уважают. Она увлекается чтением и посещением театров. Мама работает бухгалтером в банке уже 15 лет.<br />Мой дедушка – пенсионер. Он дольно старый и живет с нами. Он любит смотреть телевизор и готовить вкусные пироги.<br />Мои родители очень добры, заботливы и трудолюбивы. Они всегда заняты, но стараются дать нам все, что нам необходимо и чего мы заслуживаем.<br />У нас есть летний домик и участок земли в сельской местности, и мы проводим наши выходные летом там. Наш дед любит заниматься садоводством и выращивать овощи, ягоды и цветы. Наши любимые семейные праздники – это Новый год и Пасха. Мы обычно приглашаем друзей, готовим фантастическую еду и поем караоке. Мне очень нравится время, проведенное вместе со своей семьей.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

3. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: everest is in the world. it is than any other mountain. a) the most right, more higher b) higher, the higher c) the highest, the more high d) the highest, higher e) the most high, higher 4. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: the usa is large but canada is a) the most large b) the most largest c) larger d) the largerst e) the larger 5. complete the sentence using suitable adjective from: are you as as your friend? a) young b) more younger c) most young d) younger e) youngest 6. the national emblem of england is the a) white rose b) thistle c) daffodil d) shamrock e) red rose 7. the national emblem of scotland is the a) daffodil b) red rose c) thistle d) shamrock e) white rose 8. the national emblem of wales is the a) red rose b) thistle c) daffodil d) shamrock e) white rose 9. choose the correct variant: the parliament of kazakhstan is divided into majilis and … . a) the house of representatives b) the house of lords c) maslikhat d) senate e) akimat 10. choose the correct preposition: kazakhstan borders … five countries. a) of b) with c) at d) on e ) in 11. choose the correct word: the national … of kazakhstan is eagle. a) currency b) sign c) object d) bank e) symbol 12. choose the correct answer: kazakhstan is a large country. the total … of its borders is more than 15000 km. a) population b) length c) landscape d) borders e) area 13. choose the correct answer: what is the most popular sport in new zealand? a) golf b) tennis c) football d) rugby e) basketball 14. choose the correct answer: “astana” is the kazakh word for: a) capital b) republic c) population d) area e) border 15. choose the correct answer: when were the flag and the emblem of kazakhstan adopted? a)1994 b)1993 c)1992 d)1995 e)1997 16. choose the right answer: a home that is usually on one floor of a larger building a) flat b) terraced c) semi-detached houses d) rented e) holiday homes 17. choose the right answer: building that contain a number of separate flats a) apartment blocks b) semi-detached houses c) rented d) holiday homes e) flat 18. choose the right answer: lived in by someone who pays money to the owner a) flat b) apartment blocks c) semi-detached houses d) holiday homes e) rented 19. choose the right form of the verb: we can go out now. it … any more. a) aren’t raining b) isn’t raining c) rains d) won’t rain e) isn’t rain 20. choose the right form of the verb: mike … in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday. a) was going b) has walked c) have walked d) is walking e) is walking 21. choose the right form of the verb: when i came home my parents … a) watched tv b) watch tv c) will watch tv d) were watching tv e) was watching tv 22. choose the right form of the verb: what … your father … at this time yesterday? a) will/do b) does/do c) is/doing d) was/doing e) did/do 23. put the verb into the present perfect tense: they __ __ __the lesson. a) have not understood b) has not understood c) have not understand d) has not understand e) has not understanding 24. choose the right form of the verb: we from her since may. a) have heard b) weren't hearing c) had heard d) haven't heard e) hasn’t heard 25. choose the right form of the verb: betty her sister since last year. a) did not see b) does not see c) saw d) have not seen e) has not seen 26. choose the right translation: мешіт/мечеть a) a museum b) a mosque c) a church d) a castle e) a library 27.fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence: we’re lucky with our hotel. a) too b) such c) such an d) so e) very 28. find the right english equivalent for the following: a) chemistry b) politics c) physics d) history e) literature 29. find the right english equivalent for the following: / әдебиет a) history b) literature c) physics d) chemistry e) politics 30.find the right english equivalent for the following: сдать вступительный экзамен / түсу емтиханын тапсыру a) pass an entrance exam b) pass the final exams c) study subjects d) get a degree e) finish the course
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