
Fill in: threaten, steal, to be forced, murder, set. 1. him for his money 2. why do middle class food from supermarkets? 3. having made no profit that year, he fire to his own factory. 4. to tell the newspapers unless he got three thousand pounds. 5. the to take the plane to tashkent.

Английский язык



1. Spe (??? Не знаю спе¿¿¿) murdered him for his money

2. Why do middle class women steal food from supermarkets?

3. Having made no profit that year, he set fire to his own factory.

4. He threaten to tell the newspapers unless he got three thousand pounds.

5. The pilot was forced to take the plane to Tashkent.


1.We did not want to stay in the town on such a hot day, so we went to the country.

2. It is very late: Go to bed at once.

3. Where is your little sister? - - She is in bed. Mother always puts her to bed at eight o'clock.

4. In summer my mother does not go to work and I don't go to school. We live in the country. My father goes to work every day, so he stays in the town. But sometimes he comes to the country after work and goes back to the town early in the morning, when I am still in bed.

5. In winter I usually go to bed at ten o'clock because I learn at school and have to get up early.


Каждый из нас хоть раз обращался к словарю, чтобы получить перевод слова или фразы. А задумывались ли вы о том, как и когда он появился? Вот несколько интересных фактов из истории английских словарей от создателей ABBYY Lingvo.

«Прадедами» словарей были глоссарии — списки, в которых приводились объяснения иностранных и необычных слов. Составлялись они чаще переписчиками и учеными: нашел значение незнакомого слова и записал его между строк — эта пометка и получила название «glossa» (греч. «язык», «слово»). Затем все глоссы выписывались на отдельный листок и многократно копировались вручную. ²Первый двуязычный словарь был напечатан в 1480 году. Это было французско-английское пособие для путешественников, в котором слова и выражения располагались в параллельных колонках на 26 листах.

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Fill in: threaten, steal, to be forced, murder, set. 1. him for his money 2. why do middle class food from supermarkets? 3. having made no profit that year, he fire to his own factory. 4. to tell the newspapers unless he got three thousand pounds. 5. the to take the plane to tashkent.
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