1 он сделал это хорошо he did it very well
2 я спал два часа i slept for two hours
3 я поехал в италию в прошлом месяце i went to italy last month
4 мы играли в футбол we played football
5 ты сделал правильную вещь you did the right thing
6 мы были на каникулах we were on holiday
7 она была действительно рассержена she was really angry
8 мальчики остались дом the boys stayed at home
9 я пошел в кино вчера вечером i went to the cinema yesterday evening
10 мы позавтракали час назад we had breakfast an hour ago
не ругайся я просто написала открытку если что то не нравится удалю надеюсь правильно.
hello my dear friend! my name is jack and i am from america. i wish you happiness, health, a lot of money, good study and many friends. you are my best friend, i’m bored without you! let many moments of your life be filled with smiles, happiness and joy! i have everything excellent. remember when we were little, it was funny! how my ice cream fell, how we swam in the river. i really miss. -your friend jack.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составить предложения со словами и словосочетаниями в настоящем продолженном времени: to change, librarian, give an interview, dentist, office worker, loving, rude, driver, traditional, athletic. в каждом предложении должен быть глагол. 5 класс.
1.natali is changing her decision
2.librarin is reading an interesting book
3.daniel rdkliff is giving an interview
4.dantist is vaiting for his patient
5.office worker is going for a work
6.a loving girl is giving a present to her father
7.a very rude man is calling his friend a fool
8.he is working as a car driver at the moment
9.the traditional of thanksgiving is starting in her house
10.athletic man is doing exercises