
Описать комнату (минимум 10 предложений пример: the window is opposite the curtains. the fireplace is in the corner of the living room. the beds are on the carpet in the bedroom

Английский язык



1. I live in a new nine-storeyed block of flats in Pushkin street. 2. In front of the house there is a children's playground and a small garden. 3. We like to spend our time there. 4. Our flat is on the fourth floor. 5. It is very comfortable. 6. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. 7. There are three rooms in our flat: a living room and two bedrooms. 8. Our living room is the largest in the flat. 9. It is nicely furnished. 10. Against the wall you can see a nice cupboard. 11. There is a colour TV-set in the corner. 12. In the opposite comer there is a sofa and two armchairs. 13. The piano is on the right. 14. There are two pictures above the piano. 15. Near it there is a bookcase. 16. We are fond of books and have plenty of them at home. 17. On the floor we have a nice thick carpet. 18. The curtains on the window match the wallpaper. 19. All this makes the room cosy. 20. Our bedrooms are also very nice and cosy. 21. The parents' bed-room is larger than the children's. 22. There are two beds, a bedside table, some chairs and a wardrobe in it. 23. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds. 24. The children's bedroom is just across the corridor on the right. 25. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my sister and I sleep at night and have a rest in the day-time. 26. There is also a writing-table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. 27. We use our bedroom as a study where we do our home-work. 28. In the corner of the room there is a small table with a tape-recorder on it. 29. We all enjoy listening to music. 30. Our kitchen is rather large. 31. There is a gas-stove, a dining table. four stools, a refrigerator and a cupboard in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. 32. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room. 33. But when we receive guests or have our family celebrations we have the meals in the living-room. 34. We are happy to have such a nice flat and try to keep it clean. 


My living room is so large. I love it, because I can do everything there. There are white walls, lots of diffrent paints.

My parents gave me presents - my new laptop and books.

All goods on my new workplace - red wood table.

Two soft gaming chairs  emphasize the interior. And of course, horisontal bar on my wall helps me to be fit. When I open window, I can see wonderful landscape and house opposite.  

The air blows my room and makes me live beautifully..

Вот русский вариант: Тула является одним из старейших городов России. Ее исторический возраст больше, чем у Москвы. Издревле этот край был населен славянским племенем вятичей. Об этом свидетельствует множество сохранившихся до наших дней курганов и городищ. Вятичи промышляли тем же, чем и многие их современники: возделывали землю, занимались ремеслом, торговлей. В течение первых столетий своего существования Тула ничем не отличалась от других населённых мест этого края. Это было небольшое, огорожено частоколом поселение - острог, расположенный на островке при слиянии рек Упы и Тулицы.
     Тула впервые упоминается в  Никоновской летописи XVI века. Упоминая военные действия 1146 года в рассказе о том, как новгород-северский князь от воинственных братьев, скрылся в лесах вятичей и затем с оставшейся ратью ходил собирать дань с Тулы и других городов Никон говорит так:  «Святослав Ольгович, идее в Рязань, и быв во Мценске и в Туле, и в Дубке, на Дону, и в Ельце, и в Пронске, и придя в Рязань на Оку». Из этого можно сделать вывод, что к моменту первого упоминания город уже существовал, однако установить хотя бы приблизительную дату основания города невозможно. Вполне вероятно, что возникновение поселения относится к XI—XII векам. 
     Впрочем, некоторые историки, основываясь на том, что это упоминание является вставкой в текст, сделанной позднейшими летописцами XVI века, не признают достоверным такое свидетельство. Но и они не отрицают существования какого-то поселения на "старом городище", о котором упоминается в писцовых книгах, при впадении в Упу речки Тулицы.  Так что вполне возможно, что история Тулы началась еще в IX-XI веках, когда та была одним из маленьких укрепленных поселений. 
А вот английский вариант:
Tula is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Its historic age is greater than that of Moscow. Since ancient times, this region was inhabited by the Slavic tribe Vyatichi. This is evidenced by the set of surviving mounds and mounds. Vyatichi hunted the same things, and many of their contemporaries: cultivated land, engaged in trade, commerce. During the first centuries of its existence, Tula was no different from other populated areas of the province. It was a small, fenced stockade settlement - the prison, located on an island at the confluence of the river Upa and Tulitsa.
Tula was first mentioned in Nikon's chronicle of the XVI century. Referring to the military action in 1146 in the story of how Novgorod-Seversky Prince to escape the militant brothers disappeared in the woods Vyatichi and then with the rest Ratiu went to collect tribute from Tula and other cities Nikon says: "Svyatoslav II of Kiev, the idea in Ryazan, and having been in Mtsensk and Tula, and Oaks, on the Don, and in Yelets and Pronsk, and come in Ryazan on Oka ". From this we can conclude that at the time the first mention of the city already existed, but have at least an approximate date of founding of the city impossible. It is likely that the origin of the settlement refers to the XI-XII centuries.
However, some historians, based on the fact that this mention is inserted into the text by later chroniclers made the XVI century, do not recognize a valid certificate. But they do not deny the existence of some settlements in the "old fort", which is mentioned in the scribe books, at the confluence of the river Upa Tulitsa. So it is quite possible that the history of Tula began in the IX-XI centuries, when it was one of the small fortified settlements.
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. 
1. She didn't spend a week in the Alps.
2. He doesn't write letters every day.
3. I don't work in the bank.
4. I didn't play tennis in the morning.
5. Next week he won't visit his grandfather.
6. Columbus wasn't born in Genoa.
7. I am not going to pay for the lunch today.
8. She doesn't have a new car.
9. Eric and Line don't like to get up early.
10. There is no telephone in this room.

Составьте вопросы к следующим предложениям
1. Does he work a language school?
2. Did I leave school when I was sixteen? 
3. Are you going to have a big breakfast today?
4. Is she married?
5. Is it hot today?
6. Do I get to work by bus?
7. Are they going to buy a very small flat?
8. Was I at home yesterday morning? 
9. Did he see three new films last month?
10. I don't like spaghetti, do I? 

Вставьте недостающее по смыслу слово
1. How old is she?
2. Did you go swimming yesterday?
3. He had a long hair before, but now he wears short hair.
4. He has got a cat, because he doesn't like dogs.
5.Jim always has a shower in the morning.
6. Where do you have French?
7.Mum goes shopping every day.
8. What music does she like best? Jazz.

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Описать комнату (минимум 10 предложений пример: the window is opposite the curtains. the fireplace is in the corner of the living room. the beds are on the carpet in the bedroom
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