
4. change the words in capitals to complete the text. ivan iv vasilyevich, known in english as ivan the terrible, was the grand prince of moscow from 1533 to 1547 and tsar of all the russias from 1547 until his his long reign saw the conquest of kazan, astrakhan, and siberia, transforming russia into a ) state. ivan made ) changes in the country. he became the first ruler to be crowned as tsar of all the russias. in historic documents ivan was described as an intelligent but very cruel (rule) of the country. ivan was a ) diplomat, a patron of arts and trade, the founder of russia's first print yard, but he is also remembered for his paranoia and mental ).

Английский язык


Надеюсь, что чем-то) Удачи!
4. change the words in capitals to complete the text. ivan iv vasilyevich, known in english as ivan
Ze Kepital of britania is ĺondan

For the triumph of evil, only one condition is necessary - that good people sit idly by.(Для торжества зла необходимо только одно условие — чтобы хорошие люди сидели сложа руки.)


All that is needed for the victory of evil is that a decent person does nothing. The only thing that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

(Всё, что нужно для победы зла это, чтобы приличный человек ничего не делал. Единственное, что нужно для триумфа зла, это чтобы хорошие люди ничего не делали.)

Это мое мнение (прости если не правильно)



1. Is anyone waiting for you in the hall now?

2. Are we going to the Crimea in summer?

3. Are they having their daughter's birthday party on Saturday?

4. Are we going to sing cheerfully?

5. How is the weather going to change?

6. Where am I looking at?

7. What is he looking for?

8. Is she looking after her grandmother?

9. What are we talking about?

10. Who are we talking to?


1. I'm having a rest and waiting for you now.

2. We are listening to the latest news on TV.

3. He is working in the garden now.

4. She is playing with a nice kitten.

5. Are you watching a TV now? No, I am reading an interesting book.

6. He is eating now and he can bite you.

7. Their parents are walking in the garden now.

8. Why are you wearing this coat today?

9. My father is not working this month, he is on holiday.

10. What language are the people speaking?

11. Are you enjoying the party?

12. She is not eating anything today.


1. Im reading newspapers now.

2. He is not writing a test now.

3. We are not working at the office today.

4. Are you reading or watching TV now?

5. Is the kid sleeping in the children's room?

6. Are they playing football in the stadium?

7. Kate is playing the piano, she is not singing.

8. Don't touch the cat, she is eating.

9. Be quiet, my little sister is sleeping now.

10. Is mom preparing dinner on her own/alone?

11. Is grandmother of yours drinking tea on the veranda/porch now?

12. I'm not sleeping, I'm listening to music now.

13. Pupils are doing exercises in the stadium.

14. We are not swimming in the river, the temperature is low/water is cold.

15. I'm walking in the park and feeding birds.

16. What are you doing now? - I'm helping my dad in painting the fence.

17. Are you directing to school now? -No, we are going at the sport club.

18. What are these boys carrying? -a soccer ball.

19. It is a photo of my friends. -Tom is playing the guitar and Kate is singing.

20. Here it is a photo of my birthday party, we are dancing there.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

4. change the words in capitals to complete the text. ivan iv vasilyevich, known in english as ivan the terrible, was the grand prince of moscow from 1533 to 1547 and tsar of all the russias from 1547 until his his long reign saw the conquest of kazan, astrakhan, and siberia, transforming russia into a ) state. ivan made ) changes in the country. he became the first ruler to be crowned as tsar of all the russias. in historic documents ivan was described as an intelligent but very cruel (rule) of the country. ivan was a ) diplomat, a patron of arts and trade, the founder of russia's first print yard, but he is also remembered for his paranoia and mental ).
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