Often stay in the city is more dangerous than in the wild and deserted places.
City - the center of contrasts, and along with civilized life can exist here and semi phenomenon. Criminals often act without waiting for the night. What explains such impudence? Everyday life is so isolates people that everyone has to deal only with the business. Indifference to the people of business habits become character trait of the townspeople. Ask for help in the street is unlikely to get it from someone. Newspapers regularly publish evidence on crimes committed in large and small towns, when others do not have the courage to intervene. At the sight of this kind of news quite involuntarily want to ask yourself: how to behave in these jungles?
If you are stopped by the offender, avoid responding to this violent action, especially if he was armed, and even more so if you are not sure that you can protect yourself. This is not the occasion to risk being injured, not yet having undergone a robbery. Disgusting to say, but the best way to reduce the physical violence to himself - not to resist. So say criminologists. Expert practitioners, adding that the attacked has a better chance of survival if the offender admits his superiority or power over you. Such obedience is not for many is a natural feature, but before taking any retaliatory action better how to weigh the possible consequences. Especially since the criminals themselves in situations of their clear superiority usually behave quite accommodating.
Follow the tips we provide below, and it will, on the one hand, to reduce the probability of getting into trouble, but on the other - will increase your level of readiness to confront internal challenges. So, being in the city:
Avoid walking alone in sparsely populated areas;
give up, if possible, from the night of movement, or at least use a taxi;
If you are rude to turn over the alleged mistakes or make you an object of ridicule, do not reply and do not give in to provocation;
Try to anticipate and avoid unpleasant situations;
do not stop, if possible, car hitchhiking and do not settle for what you got a ride to strangers;
Do not display money or jewelry, they should keep in your pocket, briefcase or in another safe place;
Do not overload yourself parcels and packages, it is always better to have freedom of movement, in case if you need to defend;
If someone bothers you walk and you can not break free, contact a police officer, ring the bell for every door;
Move around in a strange city with a card that will save you time, for the same reason, more contact to different people, when you look an address, because the only answer may be incorrect;
do not show too clearly that you are a tourist, walk around with the local newspaper under his arm, mix with the locals;
be attentive to the doorways and poorly lit corners, trying to avoid them if possible;
if any motorist asks for advice, give it to quickly and accurately or to apologize that you did not know this place, but does not accompany a stranger;
Do not sit in an empty bus, and if you still have to do it, get closer to the driver;
when you go in the city, always handy to have available a few small coins and tickets for public transport. Avoid crowded places: markets, crowds, queues, etc.
It was in the crowd easily run into those who steal bags and wallets.
2. ... (До / После / До), ложась спать, ей нравится читать книгу в течение часа или около того.
3. Не садитесь ... (до / после / в то время) мы вас.
4. Дом опустел ... (после / до / до) они ушли.
5. Я не начну свое путешествие ... (когда / пока / до) он оплачивает все мои расходы.
6. ... (Как только / Пока / До) он разводил огонь, начался дождь.
7. ... (Пока / пока / как только) мы поженимся, мы переедем в другое место.
8. Выключите свет ... (до / когда / во время) урок окончен.
9. Вы должны прочитать этот документ ... (до / до / во время) вы выражаете свое мнение.
10. Мы не начнем ужинать ... (после / до / как только) приедет Ричард.
Вот перевод
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
20 ex.1. вставьте to где необходимо. 1. you have __ look after the cat. 2. people fear not being able __ look after themselves. 3. peter helped me __ clean the room. 4. tamara chose __ work here. 5. we should __ listen to what he speaks. 6. i prepared __ go on holiday this summer. 7. she finally let me __ read that book. 8. i opened the book __ find out the meaning of the word. 9. how made you __ do that? 10. vera waited __ buy a drink, but nobody wanted to serve him. 11. you must __ drink something. 12. they made me __ wait 2 and half hours. ex.2. выберите наиболее подходящие модальные глаголы. объясните выбор. 1. you (must / can) go to bed now. it’s 11 p.m. 2. she (may / should) read this book. it’s so interesting! 3. my mother has just called me. i (must / may) go home. 4. he (can / may) speak english. he learnt it in school. 5. the students (must / may) use a calculator at the maths lessons. it’s not forbidden. 6. my mother (can / should) cook many delicious dishes. we have a lot of guests today. 7. my father (have to / is able to) drive a car. it takes more time to get to work on a bike. 8. jack (was able / used to) play the guitar very well. but now his arm is broken. 9. you (should / must) eat more apples. the doctor recommended it. 10. kate (may / can) sleep all day long. it’s one of her bad habits. 11. you (may / should) read this book. but don’t forget to give it back to me. 12. we didn’t (have to / must) to come on time. ex.3. переведите на язык. 1) вы не должны столько бегать. вам следует ходить пешком. 2) он опаздывает. должно быть, у него проблемы. 3) -ты можешь открыть дверь? -нет, она заперта. 4) я проспал и был вынужден взять такси. 5) ты можешь съесть этот торт. 6) он не мог написать это сам. 7) тебе не обязательно говорить по-. 8) завтра он сможет присутствовать на собрании. ex.4. расставьте слова так, чтобы получились предложения. 1) chris / playing / now / volleyball / is 2) should / i / window / close / the 3) doctor / run / can / said / she / not / anymore 4) do / need / film / that / watch / they / not / to 5) frank / to / wait / for / had / train / a 6) skate / rosa / in / like / and / to / lily / winter
1. to
2. to
3. -
4. to
5. -
6. to
7. -
8. to
9. -
10. to
11. -
12. -
1. Must (Can больше как физическое разрешение, то есть родители держали его за руки и за ноги, чтоб раньше 11 вечера не ложился в постель - бред);
2. Should (Следует прочитать, потому что интересная, НЕ разрешение, а совет);
3. Must (Позвонила мама, я должен идти домой. она не позвонила, чтобы разрешить ему войти домой, а приказала вернуться);
4. Can (Не разрешение, а так как учил его в школе);
5. May (Разрешение);
6. Should (Предположение с большой долей вероятности. Она не просто умеет готовить, а, скорее всего, приготовит, ведь гости придут);
7. Have to (Necessity imposed by circumstances);
8. Used to (Он мог и он играл - это факт, сейчас не может из-за сломанной руки; able больше как возможность и того, что он играл, но не факт что играл на самом деле:) );
9. Should (Should так как доктор просто порекомендовал, а не прописал);
10. Can (Can потому что может, а не разрешено);
11. May (Разрешение: можешь прочитать, только верни (обратный смысл 2 предложения);
12. Have to (to после must не ставится, как и didn't перед ним, didn't have to, можно считать, must в
1. You must not run. You should walk.
2. He is late. He must have had some problems.
3. - Can you open the door?
- No, it's locked.
4. I overslept and had to take a taxi. (Я был вынужден взять такси, у меня не было выбора)
5. You may eat the cake. (Разрешение)
6. He couldn't write it all by himself. (or He can't have written it..)
7. You don't have to speak English.
8. He will be able to visit the meeting tomorrow.
1) Chris is playing volleyball now
2) I should close the window
3) Doctor said she can not run anymore
4) They do not need to watch that film
5) Frank had to wait for a train
6) Rosa and Lily like to skate in winter