1.Have you got any socks? -Yes we have got white ones. 2.Will you give me the apple, please- Which one? -That one on the table. 3.There are four oceans: the Atlantic,the Pacific,the Indian and... .Can you name the fourth ocean? 4.You will never see that picture again. I promise. 5.They could see nothing. 6. I didn't use to get up early. 7.What countries took part in the First World War? 8.Did he use to live in this house? 9.My aunt visited Italy at the age of five, but she remembers nothing about this country. 10.The boys used to fight a lot, they still often fight at school.
1. Shall we use these tools to cut and form this metal part? (Не уверен) We mustn't use these tools to cut and form this metal part. 2 Can this equipment produce parts with high accuracy? This equipment can't produce parts with high accuracy. 3 Can they easily define the properties of this material? They can't easily define the properties of this material. 4 Did Nick paid the parking fine yesterday? Nick hadn't paid the parking fine yesterday. (?) 5 May he complete all necessary measurements himself? He can't complete all necessary measurements himself. (?) 6 Shall you turn off the light before you leave the room? You shouldn't turn off the light before you leave the room. 7 Does he has to wear a suit and a tie to work? He doesn't has to wear a suit and a tie to work. 8 Might you use this instrument for measuring gas pressure? You can't use this instrument to measure gas pressure. 9 Does atom serve mankind? Atom doesn't serve mankind. 10 Will he have to do it tomorrow? He won't have to do it tomorrow.
Не совсем понятное задание, можно менять глаголы(формы) или нет? 1. May, can. 2. Have to 3. Should 4. ... 5. Can't, must 6. Can, will able to 7. Might, could 8. Shouldn't 9. Can 10. May 11. Mustn't 12. May 13. Can 14. ... 15. Should
НЕ гарантирую, что все ответы правильные. Дальше уже голова не варит, извини)