
Надо ! за ранее большое use the right from of the verbs to make the sentences complete. 1 if mother (buy) all the ingredients, she (bake) our favourite cake for her birthday yesterday. 2 if dan (know) english, he (speak) it now. 3 if marry (to be more confident) at the test, she (get) a better mark at math yesterday. 4 if it (not rain) tomorrow, we (go) swimming. 5 if l (to be) you, i (tell) the truth now.

Английский язык


1. Had bought/ would have baked
2. Knows, will speak
3. Had been more confident/ would have got
4. Does not/ will go
5. Were/ would tell

Chewing gum is usually associated with some thoughtless automatic process. Television has recently become like a chewing gum too.  For many years it has been considered the main source of information.  But in recent years it has turned out in some endless entertainment full of silly commercials and stupid soap operas.  Very often people can’t tell one film from another, or one TV show from another because they are so much alike.  For some people watching TV turned into the constant switching of the channels.  They fail to find what they like so they prefer to watch a little bit of everything which leads to total absence of any integral or useful information.  It is very hard to get a full picture of a film when every five minutes it is interrupted by commercials.  Permanent blinking of bright colours and a rapid change of images make people lose the sense of  what is shown.  In the end they just passively watch the programmes as if they were chewing a gum.  And when a programme becomes too boring, they just switch to another channel.  And the next day people just take a new fresh chewing gum and chew it till it becomes tasteless and then they spit it out ruthlessly. Don’t you think watching TV is the same?   

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My favourite actor is (Джонни Депп) John Christopher Depp. He was born on June 9, 1963. He is an American actor, film producer, and a musician. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for the "Best Actor."  Depp rose to prominence  on the 1980s television series  21 Jump Street, becoming a teen idol. Dissatisfied with that status, Depp turned to film for more challenging roles;  he played the title character of the acclaimed Edward Scissorhands (1990), and later found box office success in films such as Sleepy Hollow (1999), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  (2005), Alice in Wonderland(2010),  and the Pirates of the Caribbean film series (2003). He has collaborated with director and friend Tim Burton in eight films; one of the recent being Dark Shadows (2012).

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Надо ! за ранее большое use the right from of the verbs to make the sentences complete. 1 if mother (buy) all the ingredients, she (bake) our favourite cake for her birthday yesterday. 2 if dan (know) english, he (speak) it now. 3 if marry (to be more confident) at the test, she (get) a better mark at math yesterday. 4 if it (not rain) tomorrow, we (go) swimming. 5 if l (to be) you, i (tell) the truth now.
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