На английском. I have a friend. He loved to travel. One day he flew by plane to a country where people spoke English. He knew English well and therefore he understood what they were talking about. He met with the English. And he learned how they live. The Armenians told us many new and interesting things . На русском. У меня есть друг.Он любил путешествовать.Однажды он полетел на самолете в страну где люди разговаривали на английском.Он хорошо знал английский и поэтому понимал о чем говорят.Познакомился он с английчанами .И узнал как они проживают. Английчане рассказывали много нового и интересного.
Hello, I’m glad that you’ve asked me about my summer holidays because they were so much fun! I went abroad with my parents for a couple of weeks. I really enjoyed this trip! It was amazing to improve my English. I also was in a camp where i found a lot of new friends. I still talk to some of them. All in all, it was an unforgettable time! I also feel like i’ve grown a lot which makes me more confident. What about your summer holidays? Did you go abroad? Or maybe you traveled across the country? Let me know about that! Hope to hear from you soon! Bye,
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Ask your mother about the house chores she had to do when she was a teenager. prepare a talk comparing her and your house chores 25 б. нужно
I have a friend. He loved to travel. One day he flew by plane to a country where people spoke English. He knew English well and therefore he understood what they were talking about. He met with the English. And he learned how they live. The Armenians told us many new and interesting things .
На русском.
У меня есть друг.Он любил путешествовать.Однажды он полетел на самолете в страну где люди разговаривали на английском.Он хорошо знал английский и поэтому понимал о чем говорят.Познакомился он с английчанами .И узнал как они проживают. Английчане рассказывали много нового и интересного.