The place where you live.
I live in the city of Pskov. Now I would like to tell you about the city, I live in.
Pskov is one of the most beautiful and ancient cities of Russia. It is located in the North-West of the country, in the centre of Pskov lowland. In the city, there are two rivers: the Great and the Pskov. The first mentioning of the city is in Pskov chronicles and dates back to the year 903, although according to the archaeological excavations the date of birth of the city is about the year 862. Pskov residents consider Princess Olga to be the patroness of the city because this fact is mentioned in the 'History of Bygone Years', (История пламенных лет). Her biography is closely connected with the ancient stories and legends about the city. Pskov has a great history with lots of unusual legends, frozen forever in the architectural structures of the city. Pskov proved to be a real hero-city during the Great Patriotic War. Not so long ago, (in 2009) the city of Pskov was awarded the title the "City of Military Glory". Today Pskov is one of the modern industrial and cultural centres of our country. I like my native city very much.
Место, где вы живете.
Я живу в городе Пскове. Сейчас я хотел бы рассказать вам о городе, в котором я живу. Псков один из самых красивых и древних городов России. Он расположен на северо-западе страны, в центре Псковской низменности. В городе протекают две реки: Великая и Псковская. Первое упоминание о городе находится в Псковской летописи и датируется 903 годом, хотя по археологическим раскопкам дата рождения города примерно 862 год. Псковчане считают княгиню Ольгу покровительницей города, поскольку этот факт упоминается в "истории ушедших лет" (История пламенных лет). Ее биография тесно связана с древними историями и легендами о городе. Псков имеет большую историю с множеством необычных легенд, навсегда застывших в архитектурных сооружениях города. Псков показал себя настоящим городом - героем в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Не так давно (в 2009 году) городу Пскову было присвоено звание "Город воинской славы". Сегодня Псков является одним из современных промышленных и культурных центров нашей страны. Я очень люблю свой родной город.
Friendship is very important in our life. Let me explain you why I think so. Everybody needs someone who is close to your heart and way of thinking. Your parents will always love you anyway because they are parents. And your friend just likes you; he wants to spend his time with you and he is willing to help you when you need it.
My best friend’s name is Stepan. He is not my schoolmate. Stepan lives next to me and our parents are good friends. We first met on my mom’s birthday party three years ago. Since then we see each other almost every day.
Stepan is one year older. He is fond of tennis very much. He plays tennis since childhood and he even won some tournaments. Maybe once he will become a professional player. Stepan is very clever, honest and friendly. He likes to read books and watch films, that’s why it’s always interesting to talk to him. We usually discuss our favorite characters and most exciting actions. Also we both like to ride the bicycle and to listen to music so we are never bored together. I think it’s very important to have common hobbies with a friend.
I’m sure that we both are willing to help each other in need. Stepan usually explains me mathematics when I don’t understand something. He visits me when I’m ill. He never envies me. I know that I can trust my best friend. As for me, I also try to do my best to be a good friend for him too. I’m happy to have such a good friend.
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Составить предложения со словами: snow-capped mountains & volcanoes, sights, forts, city centre, animals & plants, flea market, crafts.
In the forest lives animals & plants.
In the city was many sights.
There are a lot of snow-capped mountains & volcanoes in the Asia.
There is a flea market.
There are a lot of crafts.
We are making a snow forts.