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Поставить в правильное форму, present or future forms if you 1) want (want) to travel long distances on your bicycle, you must learn how to mend a puncture. as soon as your tyre 2) becomes (become) flat, get off the bike or you 3) will (damage) the wheel. then turn the bicycle upside down. once it 4) (be) in position, remove the tyre using tyre-levers or, if you 5) have (have) nothing else, use spoons. when the tyre 6) (be) off, pump up the inner-tube. put it in some water and turn it until you 7) (see) bubbles coming from it. this is your puncture. before you 8) (apply) the patch, you must clean and dry the area around the hole. after this you 9) (put) glue around the hole and wait until it 10) (dry) a little. then select a suitably sized patch. stick the patch over the hole and don't forget to put some chalk over it. unless you do this, the inner-tube 11) (stick) to the inside of the tyre. replace the tube, pump up the tyre and ride away. i don't know if you 12) (be able to) remember all this, but it's worth trying because you never know when it 13) (be) useful to you.
Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If the weather is sunny and warm tomorrow, I will go to the park
Если завтра будет солнечная и теплая погода, я пойду в парк
Результат (Result) Условие (Condition) I will never reveal my friend’s secret unless he does it himself
Я никогда не раскрою тайну моего друга, если только он сам это не сделает
Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If I pass my exams successfully, my parents will be happy
Если я успешно сдам экзамены, мои родители будут счастливы
Результат (Result) Условие (Condition) My teachers usually praise me when I always do homework
Мои учителя обычно хвалят меня, когда я всегда делаю домашнюю работу
Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If my friends ask me for help, I will help them