
Много напишите свой собственный отчет о дне спорта в вашей ! не списывать !

Английский язык


The other day at our school was held "Sports Day". There were different competitions and games between students: volleyball, basketball, streetball, football, relay races, jumps, etc. The volleyball was held among the girls of 8-9 classes. Our girls' team won 2nd place, and this is very good. They deserve to win!

Football was held among the boys of grades 9-11. Our classmates remained at the workout every day. This was a very interesting and exciting game. Our class took 1st place! We won and we were awarded a gold cup in the lineup. It was very nice.

In the relay, our class took 3rd place, and this is also very good. We could take 2nd place, but our girls are not very fast. But this is nothing, for bronze is also a victory.

As a result, our class received 3 awards: gold, silver and bronze. We really liked these competitions, it was very interesting and intriguing.

Our classmates even made a shelf for our awards at the lesson of labor. It is made by our own hands, and this is very cool. We are again looking forward to the next "Sport Day"

Dear (Name),

Long time no see. How are you? I am writing this letter to you in order to tell you about who I want to be like. I could have written about some celebrities, but no. I want to be like you. You really inspire me. You are very kind, sincere and responsive. I would be glad to be the same. I am amazed every time by your dedication and attention to detail.

I hope you will appreciate my letter. See you soon!

All the best,


(В письме не учитывается о том, на кого конкретно ты бы хотел быть похожим, поэтому я решил написать, что ты хочешь быть похож на своего друга)


ОбъяснениеА и нулевая статья


1. Заполните пробелы, используя *a",", "или "X (для нулевой статьи).

а. Ты собираешься сегодня днем на пляж?

б. Сьюзен ест яблоко. Яблоко красное.

в. Слоны - очень большие животные.

д. Сейчас я дома.

е. Мэри - милая девушка.

f. Мой отец-полицейский.

г. Это интересная книга.

ч. Я иду спать.

1. У моей мамы болит голова.

дж. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал.

k Сегодня третий день наших каникул.

| Сколько сейчас времени? Сейчас (а) четверть одиннадцатого.

м. Он вернулся домой.

n Где находится Нил? Это в Африке.

0. Мой двоюродный брат из Нью-Йорка.

п. Моя тетя остановилась в отеле в Париже.

в. Моя тетя остановилась в отеле "Хилтон" в Париже.

р. Этот корабль затонул в Атлантическом океане час назад.

с. Кролики быстрее черепах.:

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