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Решите ! №4 напишите отрицательные предложения, используя конструкцию to be going to. 1. we – not – catch – that train. 2. he – not – buy – a new sofa. 3. they – not – watch – a football match tonight. 4. i – not – tell – your secret to anyone. 5. anna – not – stay – at home. ex.6. подчеркните верный вариант. объясните свой выбор. 1. a: it's hot in here.   в: i'm going to / i’ll open the window. a: do you want tea or coffee?   в: i'm going to / i'ii have coffee, please. a: what are you going to / will you do next weekend?   в: i don't know. 2. a: the phone's ringing. shall i answer it? в: it's going to / it'ii be janet for me. don't get up. 3. a: i'm going to / i 'ii see a film at two o'clock. в: i'm going to / i'ii come with you.

Английский язык


Are not, is not и тд( кроме am not) можно писать сокращённо : aren’t isn’t...
Решите ! №4 напишите отрицательные предложения, используя конструкцию to be going to. 1. we – not –

Good day. Today I want to tell you a little about my family. Or rather, what we usually eat. When our family gets up, our mother prepares a delicious porridge that gives energy and is a healthy food. usually  when we comes for lunch, we eat red borscht with sour cream, it's delicious, our family loves it. It's time for dinner, in the evening Dad fries potatoes and delicious sausages, then we season them with ketchup while Mom prepares a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. I think dinner is the coolest time to eat delicious food.


My brother is fluent in German. He graduated from the German department of the university two years ago. 6. When will you prepare for the exams? How many exams do you have? When will you take the first exam?
How could you make such gross errors in your grammar work? You missed three articles, made several mistakes in the times and made many spelling mistakes. 9. I know that English lacks fluency. - You must deal with the systematically and persistently. And you work through your sleeves and you go to the language laboratory once every two weeks. You can not catch up with the group and you can fail in the language test.

try not to miss a single lecture on Russian literature. They are very interesting, and I always outline them 14. We do not know if we will have to take an examination in the Latin language during the winter session. 15. I love English. The longer I study and use it, the less, I think, I know it. I read hundreds of English books, translated six to seven books into Russian, delivered lectures throughout England, and then went to a friend of the journalist and asked: "Listen, how is the word" director "still pronounced? 16. Anya! What kind of evaluation did you get for the composition? -well, and what? -I got "excellent".

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Решите ! №4 напишите отрицательные предложения, используя конструкцию to be going to. 1. we – not – catch – that train. 2. he – not – buy – a new sofa. 3. they – not – watch – a football match tonight. 4. i – not – tell – your secret to anyone. 5. anna – not – stay – at home. ex.6. подчеркните верный вариант. объясните свой выбор. 1. a: it's hot in here.   в: i'm going to / i’ll open the window. a: do you want tea or coffee?   в: i'm going to / i'ii have coffee, please. a: what are you going to / will you do next weekend?   в: i don't know. 2. a: the phone's ringing. shall i answer it? в: it's going to / it'ii be janet for me. don't get up. 3. a: i'm going to / i 'ii see a film at two o'clock. в: i'm going to / i'ii come with you.
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