
Решить, ! 1. формы simple (present, past, future) в действительном (active) и страдательном (passive) залогах. переведите их. выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы. model: the train departs at 7 pm. поезд отправляется в 7 часов вечера. departs – present simple active (to depart) 1. moscow is a major transport junction: over 300 long-distance and 2, 000 suburban trains depart from 10 moscow railway terminals daily. 2. about 11% of the konkan railway (india) is laid down in tunnels. these tunnels are equipped with sensors to monitor air contamination, temperature and visibility. 3. the new powerful locomotive will be used for hauling heavy iron-ore trains. 4. amtrak provides foreign tourists with the railway tickets for 14, 21 and 60 days, which give them the right to go by any train, in any compartment and to change trains in any place and at any time. 5. all first carriages had three essential drawbacks: they were built of wood; they were heated with stoves, and they had an open platform at each end that was especially dangerous in case of an accident. 2. перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму, и переведите их. 1. the first plans for constructing a new railway line along the west coast of india (to propose –past simple passive) in 1880s, but they (not / to carry out –past simple passive) because of financial and technical difficulties. 2. the distance between boston and new york (to be– present simple active) 230 miles; it (to take – present simple active) the train 3 hours 15 minutes to cover it. 3. refrigerated cars (to use – present simple passive) for transporting perishable goods. 4. you (to catch – future indefinite active) the last suburban train, if you (to hurry –present simple active 5. tomas bouch (to design and to build– past simple active) the railway bridge on the tay river in 1878. this bridge (to speak– past simple passive) about as one of the wonders of the world.

Английский язык



1 works

2 I am writing

3 do you go to...

4 we don't dance

5 are they playing...

6 where does he live? he lives...

7 is he sleeping now?

8 read

9 are eating

10 helps

11 do you play...

12 is dancing now

1 is not watching, is sleeping because he is tired

2 where does your uncle work? he works...

3 is your friend doing...

4 when do you usually...? I come...

5 isn't playing, she plays

6 are you reading... and thinking

7 I m sitting

8 when do you listen

9 are you playing...

10 doesn't work

11 are moving, is appearing, it is getting

12 don't drink, drink

13 are doing, is washing

14 works


ответ: Таджикистан привлекает сотни путешественников со всего света тем, что здесь можно полностью окунуться в царство природной чистоты и великолепия. Горы Памира и Тянь-Шаня, кружащие голову своей высотой, чистейшие воды многочисленных высокогорных озер, самая высокая в мире плотина, ковер из миллионов ирисов, маков и эдельвейсов, цветущих на горных склонах, хрустальные водопады и удивительный животный мир - вот далеко не полный список того, что заставить в нежной тональности зазвенеть струны души даже у самого закоренелого обитателя крупного города.

Местные жители обладают умением существовать в гармонии с той красотой, которой их щедро одарила Природа. Будучи в Гиссарском историко-культурном заповеднике, сложно избавиться от ощущения, что строгие линии Гиссарской крепости возникли здесь естественным путем, а не являются делом рук человека. То же самое можно сказать и о древнем Пенджикенте - памятнике домусульманской эпохи, дворцы и храмы которого уникальны и не имеют аналогов по архитектурной композиции.

Впрочем, Таджикистан был привлекателен во все времена не только благодаря окруженным множеством легенд Маргузорским озерам и восхитительным видам долины Сари Хосор, но и как важный участок Великого Шелкового Пути - культурной и экономической артерии . Именно благодаря купцам, следовавшим по нему, мир узнал еще об одной особенности этого дивного края - многочисленных целебных минеральных источниках.


Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Решить, ! 1. формы simple (present, past, future) в действительном (active) и страдательном (passive) залогах. переведите их. выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы. model: the train departs at 7 pm. поезд отправляется в 7 часов вечера. departs – present simple active (to depart) 1. moscow is a major transport junction: over 300 long-distance and 2, 000 suburban trains depart from 10 moscow railway terminals daily. 2. about 11% of the konkan railway (india) is laid down in tunnels. these tunnels are equipped with sensors to monitor air contamination, temperature and visibility. 3. the new powerful locomotive will be used for hauling heavy iron-ore trains. 4. amtrak provides foreign tourists with the railway tickets for 14, 21 and 60 days, which give them the right to go by any train, in any compartment and to change trains in any place and at any time. 5. all first carriages had three essential drawbacks: they were built of wood; they were heated with stoves, and they had an open platform at each end that was especially dangerous in case of an accident. 2. перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму, и переведите их. 1. the first plans for constructing a new railway line along the west coast of india (to propose –past simple passive) in 1880s, but they (not / to carry out –past simple passive) because of financial and technical difficulties. 2. the distance between boston and new york (to be– present simple active) 230 miles; it (to take – present simple active) the train 3 hours 15 minutes to cover it. 3. refrigerated cars (to use – present simple passive) for transporting perishable goods. 4. you (to catch – future indefinite active) the last suburban train, if you (to hurry –present simple active 5. tomas bouch (to design and to build– past simple active) the railway bridge on the tay river in 1878. this bridge (to speak– past simple passive) about as one of the wonders of the world.
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