was relaxing - отдыхал
noticed - заметил
had started - начал
was curious - был любознательный
was happening - происходило
happened - случилось
saw - видел
came- пришёл
had - имел
loved - любил
wanted - хотел
started - начал
began perfoming- начал представлять
became - стал
realised- осознал
was - было
presented - представил
was made- был сделан
burned - горело
caused- вызвало
were- были
landed - приземлился
gathered - собралась
asked - спросили
agreed - согласился
took place- занимал место
reached - достиг
floated - пролетел
Mom took me to watch the musical, which she said was now at its peak. I didn't really understand what that meant, but I went, because I love music, and she promised that there would be a lot of music, songs and dances. In fact, I imagined the musical a little differently, but it was even better than the way I imagined it! True, it was loud, but it gave the impression that you were also a participant in this performance. I have never seen something like this, although I love to watch fantastic films, but I really liked this musical! At the exit in the lobby, you could buy a disc with this production, and I persuaded my mother to buy it too, because dad worked that day and could not go with us, but he looked at the disc, and sometimes we still watch it. since. Although it was much more interesting to watch it live.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. волынка accordion bagpipe 2. фагот band bassoon 3. дирижерская палочка baton butter 4. кларнет bow clarinet
1. bagpipe - волынка
2. bassoon - фагот
3. baton - дирижерская палочка
4. clarinet - кларнет