Да, я с удовольствием расскажу вам о известной русской певице. Одной из них является Алла Пугачева. Она советская и российская эстрадная певица, композитор-песенник, эстрадный режиссёр, продюсер, киноактриса и телеведущая. Поет Алла уже 46 лет. Мне очень нравятся ее песни, но на концертах Пугачевой я еще ни разу не была. Перевод: Yes, I am pleased to tell you about the famous Russian singer. One is Alla Pugacheva. It is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter, entertainer director, producer, actress and TV presenter. Alla singing for 46 years. I really like her songs, but live Pugacheva I've never been.
My favourite Russian singer is Maxim. She is very beautiful, has a sweet voice like nobody else. When listening to her songs, I'm feeling myself like flying. I loved her songs sinse I listened to her first song on the radio. It was like a discovery for me in the world of Music. I have twice been at her concerts, and I've got a great pleasure listening to her beautiful, angel voice. She has been singing on big since 2006, and since then I can't stop enjoying her songs. They are very close to my heart..
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Reading and writing. write true sentences about what you did and didn't do last weekend. use the verbs in the box.
Yes, I am pleased to tell you about the famous Russian singer. One is Alla Pugacheva. It is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter, entertainer director, producer, actress and TV presenter. Alla singing for 46 years. I really like her songs, but live Pugacheva I've never been.