
1. she is tallest girl in the school.  a  an  the  –2. i want to watch  movie. i don't care which one we see. i just want to get out of the house tonight.  a  an  the  –3. do you like my new glasses?   a  an  the  –4. she needs water. she is really thirsty.  a  an  the  –5. quick! someone call police. i need help right now.  a  an  the  –6. i have to buy new lamp for the bedroom. i will go to the store on saturday to find one that matches the other colors in the room.  a  an  the  –7. i like coffee more than i like tea.  a  an  the  –8. do you want  apple?   a  an  the  –9. i went to spain  last month.  a  an  the  –10. sean is irish. his friend is an englishman.  a  an  the  –​

Английский язык


Потапова 79275136869323

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A crossword puzzle is a game of words where the player is given a hint and the number of letters. The player then fills in a grid of boxes by finding the right words. Liverpool journalist, Arthur Wynne invented the first crossword puzzle.Arthur WynneArthur Wynne was born on June 22, 1871 in Liverpool, England. He immigrated to the United States at the age of nineteen. He first lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and worked for the Pittsburgh Press newspaper. An interesting side-note, was that Wynne also played violin in the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.Later, Arthur Wynne moved to Cedar Grove, New Jersey and started working for a New York City based newspaper called the New York World. He wrote the first crossword puzzle for the New York World, published on Sunday, December 21, 1913. The editor had asked Wynne to invent a new game for the paper's Sunday entertainment section.View a copy of Arthur Wynne's first crossword puzzleWord-Cross to Cross-Word to CrosswordArthur Wynne's first crossword puzzle was initially called word-cross and was diamond-shaped. The name later switched to cross-word, and then as a result of an accidental typo the hyphen was dropped and the name became crossword.Wynne based his crossword puzzle on a similar but much older game played in ancient Pompeii that translated from Latin to English was called Magic Squares. In Magic Squares, the player is given a group of words and has to arrange them on a grid so that the words read the same way across and down. A crossword puzzle is very similar, except instead of being given the words the player is given clues.Arthur Wynne added other innovations to the crossword puzzle. While the first puzzle wasdiamond-shaped, he later invented horizontal and vertical shaped puzzles; and Wynne invented the use of adding blank black squares to a crossword puzzle.The crossword puzzle in a British publication was published in Pearson's Magazine in February 1922. The first New York Times crossword was published on February 1 1930.First Book of Crossword PuzzlesAccording to the Guinness Book of Records, the first collection of crossword puzzles was published in the USA in 1924. Called The Cross Word Puzzle Book it was the first publication by a new partnership formed by Dick Simon and Lincoln Schuster. The book, a compilation of crossword puzzles from the newspaper New York World, was an instant success and helped to establish publishing giant Simon & Schuster, who continue to produce crossword books to this day.

1. теперь она избегает ходить туда так часто, как раньше.

now she avoids going there as often as she used to go before.

2. он, бывало, внезапно появлялся в доме своей матери и так же внезапно исчезал.

he used to appear suddenly at his mother's home and to desappear in the same way.

3. она, бывало, часами сидела у открытого окна, глядя на лес за холмом.

she used to sit next to an open window for hous looking at the forest behind the hill.

4. иногда она жаловалась на свою трудную жизнь, и ей становилось легче.

sometimes she   used to complain of her difficult life and she felt better.

5. я лично думаю, что теперь вы говорите по- лучше, чем раньше.

i think that now you speak english better than you used to speak before.

6. теперь он совсем не курит, так как у него плохое здоровье, а ведь раньше он курил сигарету за сигаретой.

now he doesn't smoke at all as he has bad health but earlier he used to smoke sigarettes one by one.

7. он начал изучать французский, а в детстве он занимался с частным преподавателем .

he began to learn french and in his childhood he used to study english with a tutor.

8. когда-то он был весьмя состоятельным человеком. 

some time he used to be quite rich.


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1. she is tallest girl in the school.  a  an  the  –2. i want to watch  movie. i don't care which one we see. i just want to get out of the house tonight.  a  an  the  –3. do you like my new glasses?   a  an  the  –4. she needs water. she is really thirsty.  a  an  the  –5. quick! someone call police. i need help right now.  a  an  the  –6. i have to buy new lamp for the bedroom. i will go to the store on saturday to find one that matches the other colors in the room.  a  an  the  –7. i like coffee more than i like tea.  a  an  the  –8. do you want  apple?   a  an  the  –9. i went to spain  last month.  a  an  the  –10. sean is irish. his friend is an englishman.  a  an  the  –​
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