1. Instead OF buying something FOR everyday wear, as she had first intended, Mary bought a sleeveless dress FOR better wear. 2. Nick used to go TO the library FROM time TO time to look FOR/THROUGH articles ON the subject he was very fond OF 3. I wonder why the waiter has set the table FOR two people instead OF three. 4. While speaking at the production meeting, the manager OF the factory pointed OUT that each OF the workers and engineers was responsible FOR carrying OUT the plan. 5. She said that the new film was worth seeing, but there was such an expression ON her face that I thought she was only saying it FOR fun. 6. I’m afraid Peter takes AFTER his elder brother, who is also fond OF making fun OF people. 7. Won’t you join - us? Do come! I'm sure you'll have a lot OF fun AT the party.
8. Do you mind my turning OFF the radio? I am sick artd tired OF that loud music. 9. The young girl looked so good- natured that everybody liked her AT first sight. 10. As the station was three miles away FROM the place where Nick lived he asked his friends not to see him so, AFTER shaking hands WITH everybody, he picked UP his suitcases and started OUT
11. The young men stood IN front OF the house and watched their friend go DOWN/ ALONG the street until they lost sight OF him.
12. Pavlov’s scientific activities are known TO the entire world.
My favorite sport is tennis. It is a very interesting game. I have been playing in this game since six years. My father has been playing tennis since childhood, too. I always play with him at the weekend. Every year I take part in the competitions. I have a lot of awards and diplomas. In the section of tennis I have met many good people. They're very friendly. I very like this game.
Мой любимый вид спорта - теннис. Это очень интересная игра. Я играю в эту игру с шести лет. Мой отец играет в теннис с детства тоже. Я всегда играю с ним в выходные. Каждый год я участвую в соревнованиях. У меня много наград и грамот. В секции тенниса я познакомился со многими хорошими людьми. Они очень дружелюбные. Мне очень нравится эта игра.
3 убрать in
4 убрать have
5 in место on
6 in the summer
7 on место in
8 is убрать