School education is an important element of education in modern society, forming the child's basic knowledge and skills. Since from September 1, 2013, pre-school education was included by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" into the general education structure, the concepts of "school education" and "general education" in Russia ceased to be synonymous from a legal point of view. Complete secondary education in the school lasts 11 classes. Incomplete secondary education lasts 9 classes. Schools in Russia give general education to students. Schools that give only a standard course of general education are simply referred to as "secondary schools," and schools that provide in-depth knowledge of individual disciplines, or introduce their own disciplines in addition to compulsory courses, can be called otherwise ("school with in-depth study of subjects," "lyceum "," Gymnasium "). Education in public secondary schools (including schools with in-depth study of subjects) is officially free. In the last decades of the existence of the USSR, schools also provided students with textbooks for free, now the tutorials are being purchased. Until 1986, the school year was 10 years (primary school - 3 years, basic - 5 years, senior - 2). Then, as an experiment, a 4-year elementary school course was introduced, but the students were given the opportunity to learn by the 3-year (10-year) or 4-year (11-year) program. At the same time, students who studied under the 3-year program, when they moved to the main stage, "jumped over the number" - from grade 3 switched to the 5th class, and simultaneously, in 1989 such a "jump" was made in all classes. Currently, 3-year primary education is completely canceled: all newly enrolled children are enrolled in an 11-year program. The standard terms for the development of general education programs in general education levels, adopted by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2001 No. 224: I level (primary general education) - 4 years; II level (basic general education) - 5 years; III level (secondary (complete) general education) - 2 years. Primary and basic general education at school in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation is mandatory for all. Responsibility is placed on parents or legal representatives who, taking into account the opinion of children, have the right to choose an educational institution and the form of teaching children before they receive a basic general education. The acquisition of education is limited by the student's academic time, according to the Federal State Educational Standard (GEF). The school course is divided into three stages, officially named: "primary school", "primary school" and "senior classes
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