
Найти правильный вариант и объяснить почему14. read the sentences and choose one with a mistake.1. there were only a few people at the party.2. he ran to the end of the road.3.i don't have as much cds as you.

Английский язык


1) Washington is the capital of the USA - Вашингтон - столица США 2) There are fifty states in USA - В США 50 штатов 3) New York is usually called a "Big Apple" - Нью-Йорк обычно называют "Большое Яблоко" 4) United States' flag is called "Stars and Stripes" - Флаг Соединенных Штатов называется "Звезды и Полосы" 5) English is a native language of all Americans - Английский язык - родной для всех американцев 6) Empire State Building is the highest building in NY - Эмпайр Стэйт Билдинг - самое высокое здание в НЙ 7) The Statue of Liberty is a present from France to America - Статуя Свободы - подарок Франции Америке 8) Famous movie studio Hollywood is situated in LA - Известная киностудия Голивуд расположена в ЛА 9) Los Angeles is often called "The City of Angels" - Лос-Анджелес часто называют "Город Ангелов" 10) Miami are also a territory of USA - Майами также являются территорией США
1) Его сестра собирается стать врачом. Is his sister going to become a doctor? Who is going to become a doctor? 2) Студенты играют в волейбол на спортивной площадке. Are students playing volleyball in the sports ground? What are students playing in the sports ground? 3) Мама купила немного яблок к ужину. Has the mother bought any apples for dinner? What has the mother bought for dinner? 4) У нас в колледже есть новый компьютерный класс. Do we have a new computer class in the college? What new class do we have in the college? 5) Я готовил ужин для семьи в 5 часов. Was I cooking dinner for the family at 5? Who was cooking dinner for the family at 5? 6) Нора может очень хорошо плавать в море. Can Nora swim in the sea very well? How can Nora swim in the sea? 7) Учитель находится у доски во время урока. Is the teacher at the blackboard during the lesson? Where is the teacher at the lesson?

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Найти правильный вариант и объяснить почему14. read the sentences and choose one with a mistake.1. there were only a few people at the party.2. he ran to the end of the road.3.i don't have as much cds as you.
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