Our boarding school is a big friendly family, and for this I do not want to part with my friends. Have you seen tenth graders being friends with first graders? And here are friends! And boys and girls get along very well. We have six meals a day, comfortable bedrooms, each class has its own class teacher. We can engage in different circles: theater, music, computer; You can swim in the pool or play soccer on the court. There are almost every day discos. We get good knowledge here and we are happy
The audioplay "the True story of Santa Claus" will introduce students to the amazing events that occurred with ordinary people. Sergey Morozov, the railway engineer, was walking with his wife in St. Petersburg, they slowly walked until he was in an Oblique lane. At this moment, the snow, which comes only once every fifty years, and has magical properties. Chet Morozovs for the next half century became the father frost and the snow Maiden. The audioplay Andrei Zalesskogo and Yevgeny Pasternak, "the True story of Santa Claus" you can Аудиоспектакль "Правдивая история Деда Мороза" познакомит слушателей с удивительными событиями, произошедшими с обычными людьми. Сергей Иванович Морозов, инженер-железнодорожник, прогуливался вместе со своей супругой по Санкт-Петербургу, они неспешно шли пока не оказались в Косом переулке. Именно в этот момент выпал снег, который идет всего один раз в пятьдесят лет и имеет волшебные свойства. Чета Морозовых на следующие пол века стала Дедом Морозом и Снегурочкой.Аудиоспектакль Андрея Жвалевского и Евгения Пастернака "Правдивая история Деда Мороза"
It was snowing all day yesterday. was itsnowing all day yesterday? it was not snowing all day? They were doing their homework when I came to see them. Were they doing their homework when I came to see them? They weren’t doing their homework when I came to see them. They were cleaning this flat all morning. Were they cleaning this flat all morning? They weren’t cleaning this flat all morning. She burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner. When was she burnt her hand? She burnt her hand when she weren’t cooking dinner.
Our boarding school is a big friendly family, and for this I do not want to part with my friends. Have you seen tenth graders being friends with first graders? And here are friends! And boys and girls get along very well. We have six meals a day, comfortable bedrooms, each class has its own class teacher. We can engage in different circles: theater, music, computer; You can swim in the pool or play soccer on the court. There are almost every day discos. We get good knowledge here and we are happy