1. He studies at the information technology department.
2. He performs a lot of computer operations.
3. Computer helps to solve a lot of important problems.
4. After finishing a secondary school a young person goes to university or college.
5. My friend takes interesting courses in his first year.
6. This student does research.
7. My classmate attends lectures regularly.
8. Educated person contributes more to the society.
9. The citizen of Russia shows a great concern for education for themselves and their children.
10. My class begins at 8.15 in the morning
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Сегодня мы в состоянии представить огромное количество вариантов школьной одежды, среди которых каждый сможет подобрать что-то конкретное для себя. Мы работаем как с одеждой для мальчиков, так и для девочек. Парни будут рады примерить наши костюмы с жилетами и без оных, а девочки и девушки не смогут оторвать своего взора от аккуратных платьев, брючных костюмов, сарафанов и так далее .
Today we are able to present a huge number of options for school clothes. We work for both boys and girls. Guys will be happy to try on our costumes with and without residential suits, girls and girls can not tear themselves away from their carefree dresses, trouser suits, sundresses and so on.