1. I wasn’t tired. / Was I tired? 2. Kris didn’t speak English. / Did Kris speak English? 3. His sister wasn’t a model. / Was his sister a model? 4. I didn’t like my phone. / Did I like my phone? 5. Masha didn’t read magazine. / Did Masha read magazine? 6. They weren’t students. / Were they students? 7. This shop didn’t open at 9 o’clock. / Did this shop open at 9 o’clock? 8. She wasn’t pretty. / Was she pretty? 9. Tom didn’t lie. / Did Tom lie? 10. Marina didn’t wear skirts. / Did Marina wear skirts?
Внелёгкие дни - в руки взяв казахстан, корпел над работой – вождь стран, нурсултан. пыл в трудоднях 20-ть упорных годов республику вывел – с последних рядов. он, божий посланец – для нашей земли, его, президентом – признать все смогли. таких ведь, великих – на мир единицы, и он, тот луч света – светящий в темницу. during the difficult days in the hands of taking kazakhstan,pored over the work - the leader of the country, nursultan. dust in workdays 20-th years of hard republic withdrew from the last series. he, a messenger from god for our land, its president is to recognize all could. such as, the great - world units,
Города новоалтайск начинается в 18 веке. именно в это время население устремилось в золотой край сибири. первые поселения, возникшие в 18 веке на месте, где сегодня раскинулся город новоалтайск, были выстроены для обороны от степняков-кочевников. в те времена для защиты от нападений была построена легендарная белоярская крепость. удивительно, но точного места ее нахождения до сей поры, ни , ни археологам отыскать не удалось. загадка? исследователи желают прояснить этот вопрос, поиски крепости продолжаются и сейчас. остается отметить, что, как поселение, современный новоалтайск возник в 1717. в те годы это было небольшое селение с укреплением, защищавших его жителей от набегов кочевых племен алтая. в 1942 это поселение было преобразовано в городок чесноковка, а с 1962 чесноковке дано новое наименование – новоалтайск.history of city новоалтайск begins in 18 century . exactly atthis time the russian population was directed in the goldedge of siberia . the first settlements arising up in 18 centuryin place , where a city новоалтайск was today stretched,were lined up for a defensive from степняков-кочевников . inthose times for protecting from attacks the legendaryбелоярская fortress was built . surprisingly , but exact placeof her being to this pore , finding neither historians norarchaeologists was not succeeded . riddle ? researcherswish to make clear this question , the searches of fortressproceed and now . remains to mark that , as a settlement,modern новоалтайск arose up in 1717. in those years it wassmall settlement with strengthening , protecting him habitantsfrom the raids of nomadic tribes of altai . in 1942 thissettlement was regenerate in a small town чесноковка , andfrom 1962 чесноковке is given the new name -
1. I wasn’t tired. / Was I tired?
2. Kris didn’t speak English. / Did Kris speak English?
3. His sister wasn’t a model. / Was his sister a model?
4. I didn’t like my phone. / Did I like my phone?
5. Masha didn’t read magazine. / Did Masha read magazine?
6. They weren’t students. / Were they students?
7. This shop didn’t open at 9 o’clock. / Did this shop open at 9 o’clock?
8. She wasn’t pretty. / Was she pretty?
9. Tom didn’t lie. / Did Tom lie?
10. Marina didn’t wear skirts. / Did Marina wear skirts?