Zashchitin Denis

What is his favorite hobby? what is he going to plant? what should a person do to make his garden look nice? does he enjoy his hobby? why? do you like gardening? why? why not? ответит на это вопрос

Английский язык



1 He going to plant some beautiful flowers

2He wants his garden to look nice, so he plants flowers, waters them and digs weeds

3He enjoys his hobby because his garden looks nice and gardening helps him to stay physically fit

4 I like gardening too. It helps me to relax.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can not be present without physical exertion. Doing sports has a positive effect on human health. Therefore, its role in human life plays an important role. Sport and health, two concepts that are interrelated.
The sport needs to engage all, regardless of age. However, keep in mind that everyone has certain physical capabilities, and in accordance with the need to choose the exercises. Even a walk along the spanking is a sport.
Nowadays more and more children and adults prefer to stay at home. They move a little, which negatively affects their health. Many hours of game play at the computer lead to scoliosis, vision impairment, impaired immunity, sleep disorders. These people can be seen from far away, pale and thin, they are poorly oriented in the real world, and hurry home to plunge into the illusion.
Sport is movement and movement is life, so it is important to do sports. It not only strengthens our health, but also strengthens the spirit, helps to get positive emotions and to cope with depression stress. But doing sports, we should not forget that everything should be in moderation, one should not be perezagruzite to achieve great results.
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Праздник Рода и Роженицы укреплению семьи, почитанию своего рода и Родины.

Славянский мир 8 сентября празднует древний праздник Рода и Роженицы.

Этот праздник посвящен родовому процветанию и семейному благополучию.

Во время праздника прославляют семейных богов Рода, Роженицу, Ладу, Леля.

Проводят различные обрядовые действия – похороны мух, охоту на лосих и другие.

Затем устраивали пир, хороводы и игрища. В завершение праздника встречали «Бабье лето».

В Ульяновске существует Центр по возрождению и развитию национальных культур, основной целью которого является возрождение, сохранение и развитие национальных культур, традиций, обычаев и обрядов.

Недавно был открыт «Сквер возрождения духовности».

Возвращаются в нашу жизнь обряды и традиции из древней истории, которые развитию духовности и культуры.

Праздник Рода и Роженицы укреплению семьи, почитанию своего рода и Родины. По мнению многих ульяновцев, он тоже достоин возрождения.

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What is his favorite hobby? what is he going to plant? what should a person do to make his garden look nice? does he enjoy his hobby? why? do you like gardening? why? why not? ответит на это вопрос
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