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9knacc variant |1. запишите полностью правильную форму пассивного залога(passive voice): 1. the noise was so deafening a) | was horrified; b) it horrified me; c) | havebeen horrified; d) | had been horrified; e) none ofthe above.5. taxes will again next year, a) risen; b) raised; ¢) rose; d) raise; e) none of theabove.2.1 parked the car in the wrong a) the police ticketed me; b) was ticketed by thepolice; c) have been ticketed by the police; d) hadbeen ticketed by the police; e) none of the above.6. by the end of the year all the children in thea) will be vaccinated; b) will vaccinate; ¢) willhave vaccinated; d) will have been vaccinated; e)none of the above.3. that is why he knows it perfectly well.a) a native speaker was taught him english; b) anative speaker had taught him english. c) he wastaught english by a native speaker; d) he hadbeen taught english by a native speaker; e) noneof the above.7. look, at last.a) has cut his hair; b) has got his hair cut; c) gothis hair cut; d) cut off his hair; e) none of theabove.4. the worker's hand was badly a screwdriver.a) by; b) with; c) on; d) at; e) none of the above.
The first building will be two storey. There will be learning the initial link. On the first floor there will be a children's large library where children can relax, play games and wait for their parents. There will be a canteen opposite the library. The menu in the dining room will consist only of useful and necessary food items so that children will get used to eating only useful food. On the second floor there will be only classrooms. The lessons will last for 40 minutes. The changes will not be very large for about 10 or 15 minutes, the biggest change will last 20 minutes