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Модуль 2.А вот и мы.
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иванович Диденко1524

cool weather, rainy days, yellow clothes that envelop the trees and bushes — all these are the first signs of the onset of the golden age. no longer want to hide from the summer heat somewhere in the shadows, the urge to stay home under the air conditioner and pull the magnet on the outside, closer to nature. walking in the fresh air brings more pleasure and joy, and the first fallen yellow leaves fill the atmosphere with some mystery and romanticism.

rain is a constant companion of autumn. with the advent of increasingly there is bad weather, wind, fog and drizzle. puddles cover the road and sidewalk, causing a lot of inconvenience to the movement of people. but all this does not overshadow the beauty and mystery of the golden age.

vegetation is also sensitive to the impending cold snap. green trees and foliage on the bushes are beginning to be covered with yellow and other bright colors. with each gust of cool breeze leaves fly to the ground, thereby freeing the branches of the former beauty. very soon, the vegetation will lose its natural decoration and will prepare for hibernation.

birds are particularly sensitive to the arrival of the autumn season. their singing becomes not so bay and fine, as in the summer period, they begin to prepare for a long journey to warmer climes. increasingly, you can find small flocks of birds that huddle together in search of food, fly one after another, as if afraid of losing sight of their companions. do not lag behind the birds and animals, they stock up on food for the winter, as in front of a long and frosty winter, and this will be a great test for them.

i love autumn very much and i am very glad that it has come. i try to enjoy every day and every colorful moment. i often go to the park with my friends and family, where we feed pigeons and squirrels, offering them seeds and nuts, or just walk and take pictures. of course, autumn brings cold and short days, but it is so beautiful and charming that everything else just becomes unimportant.

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