
V. составьте письменно альтернативные вопросы к данным предложениям. 1. the british parliament consists of 2 (3) houses.2. our team was the first (the last 3. you are a teacher (a student). 4. today is monday (tuesday). 5. the children went to the cinema (the theatre). 6. there were many (few) books on the shelf. 7. she has written an article (a book). 8. they will leave next week (tomorrow) 9. the boys are playing football (hockey). 10. rostov-on-don was founded in 1749 (1849).​

Английский язык



1. The British Parliament consists of 2 (3) Houses.

Does the British Parliament consist of 2 or 3 Houses?

2. Our team was the first (the last).

Was our team was the first or the last?

3. You are a teacher (a student).

Are you a teacher or a student?

4. Today is Monday (Tuesday).

Is today Monday or Tuesday?

5. The children went to the cinema (the theatre).

Did the children go to the cinema or to the theatre?

6. There were many (few) books on the shelf.

Were there many or few books on the shelf?

7. She has written an article (a book).

Has she written an article or a book?

8. They will leave next week (tomorrow)

Will they leave next week or tomorrow?

9. The boys are playing football (hockey).

Are the boys are playing football or hockey?

10. Rostov-on-Don was founded in 1749 (1849).

Was Rostov-on-Don founded in 1749 or 1849?


The United States of America is a very diverse country. Its nature, climate, population varies from the East Coast to the west, from the northern border to the southern.Climate is mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the southwest.Natural resources include coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, and timber.Natural hazards are a great deal of problems for the USA. Every year, they loose hundred millions of dollars, because of natural hazards. The USA is famous for hurricanes along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico coasts and tornadoes in the Midwest and southeast; mud slides in California; forest fires in the west; flooding.Sometimes there are tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes happen. Earthquakes are very often in California.Talking about environment, one should add that air pollution results in acid rains in both the US and Canada. The US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.Water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers takes place here.Climate and Natural Resources.
Климат и природные ресурсы.
Соединенные Штаты — это страна контрастов. Природа, климат, население страны изменяются с восточного побережья на западное, с северной границы на южную.Климат на большей части умеренный, тропический на Гавайях и в штате Флорида, арктический на Аляске, полузасушливый на великих западных равнинах реки Миссисипи и полупустынный на юго-западе.Природные ресурсы включают: уголь, медь, свинец, молибден, фосфаты, уран, бокситы, золото, железо, ртуть, никель, серебро, вольфрам, цинк, нефть, природный газ и древесину.Природные катаклизмы представляют огромную проблему для США. Каждый год страна теряет сотни миллионов долларов из-за природных катаклизмов. США известны своими ураганами вдоль атлантического побережья и побережья Мексиканского залива, торнадо на среднем западе и юго-востоке, грязевыми оползнями в Калифорнии, лесными пожарами на западе, наводнениями.Иногда наблюдаются цунами, вулканы и землетрясения. Очень часты землетрясения в Калифорнии.Говоря об окружающей среде, необходимо добавить, что загрязнение воздуха выливается в кислотные дожди как в США, так и в Канаде. США — самый крупный «производитель» двуокиси углерода от сжигания ископаемого топлива.Имеет место и загрязнение воды из-за сброса пестицидов и удобрений.

Read the examples. Which words do we use with do we use in affirmetive, in negative sentences, and in requests? Make sentences using them. 1. We've got some juice. We havent got much sugar. We hanet got many apples. 2. There aren't any apples. 3. There are a lot of bananas in the fridge. 4. Is there any milk. 5. Can I have some crisps? 6. I'll have a little cream with my cake. 7. Let's buy some peppers.

Объяснение:some-ставится в утвердительных предложениях, в множественном числе

any-используется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях в единственном числе

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

V. составьте письменно альтернативные вопросы к данным предложениям. 1. the british parliament consists of 2 (3) houses.2. our team was the first (the last 3. you are a teacher (a student). 4. today is monday (tuesday). 5. the children went to the cinema (the theatre). 6. there were many (few) books on the shelf. 7. she has written an article (a book). 8. they will leave next week (tomorrow) 9. the boys are playing football (hockey). 10. rostov-on-don was founded in 1749 (1849).​
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