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Правильно граматично перекладений текст in february 1891, james bartley said he was eaten by a whale, and lived in its stomach for 36 hours. bartley was a sailor on board a ship calledstar of the east. he recalled the whalingship was nearing the falkland islandswhen a whale was spotted. longboats were dropped into the ocean, and harpoons were fired. the woundedwhale tossed and turned. it struck thelongboat containing bartley with its tail.the boat tipped over, and bartley andanother man disappeared into the water.they were presumed drowned. a couple of hours later, the whale gave upthe fight. the crew brought its dead bodyaboard and started cutting it up. duringthe second day, the crew cut open thestomach. inside they found the body ofjames bartley. to their shock, the missing sailor was stillalive. he had lived for 36 hours in thewhale’s stomach. the crew carried bartley to the captain’scabin. in three weeks he was as fit as afiddle. he recalled how he had fallenfrom the boat into pitch darkness. hedescribed slipping down a smooth slopeinto a large area with slimy walls.realizing he was in the whale’s stomach, he passed out in shock. he recalledwaking in the captain’s cabin but littleelse. newspapers called bartley a modern-dayjonah. religious groups said bartley’sstory was proof of the biblical tale. evenmarine scientists threw their weightbehind bartley’s fanciful story. for 16 years, bartley’s tale remainedunquestioned. and then in 1907, something began to smell a bit fishy. the star of the east’s captain called thestory a tall tale. he said he had never losta man overboard and accused bartley oflying. whaling experts would later discreditbartley’s claims. they said it wasimpossible for a person swallowed by awhale to survive. rainer schimpf would beg to differ. in march of 2019, the 51-year-old was divingoff the coast of south africa. he wasphotographing fish when the lightssuddenly went out. complete darknessconsumed him. schimpf realized a 15-tonwhale had swallowed him. from his headto his hips, he found himself inside thewhale’s mouth. unlike bartley’s story, thiswas no tall tale. there is photographicevidence of schimpf’s legs dangling fromthe whale’s mouth. schimpf recalls holding his breath as hewaited for the whale to pull him under.fortunately for schimpf, the whale spathim back out in the blink of an eye. onthis occasion, human was not on themenu.