I try to spend my spare time with usefulness. For example, I can help my mom with chores or any housework. I don't forget about my pets, because I feed and play with them. Afterwards I find time for myself, when I read books or find some interesting information on the Internet. Sometimes I go for a walk with my friends or my siblings.
The great Russian poet, novelist, playwright, essayist and critic.
Born May 26, (June 6) in Moscow, the German settlement. Bred French tutors, home schooling ruled out only excellent knowledge of French and a love of reading.
In 1811, Pushkin entered the newly opened Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. After graduating from college in June 1817 with the rank of a collegiate secretary Pushkin was determined to serve in the College of Foreign Affairs, which did not work and the day, completely surrendering to creativity. To this period belong the poem "Liberty", "To Chaadayev", "Village", "On Arakcheeva."
Even before graduating from school in 1817, began to write the poem "Ruslan and Ludmila", from which he graduated in March 1820
2013 - the wall Street waiting for another market crash, which marks the beginning of a new global crisis.
2014 China will deploy its missiles on the territory of Sudan, what would cause excitement in the international society. 2015 - the Year will be very rich in events. Russia reports that the country's natural resources (oil, uranium, copper, gold) came to a critical minimum. Algero-German concern involving will start building solar power stations in North Africa. Scientists will be able to find a cure for autism. Bangladesh will declare a catastrophic shortage of fresh water, due to rising ocean levels, and ask for a subsidy from the world Bank in the amount of $ 9 billion acquisition of stills. 2016 - will go on sale In artificially grown meat. For the first time at the election of the American President will be possible to vote via the Internet. 2017 - Conducted the first experiment on the creation of artificial semen from stem cells women and subsequent conception without men. 2018 - the Withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Each country considers himself a winner. The sovereignty of Afghanistan remains steadfast. In parallel with this event is the renewal of the lunar program. The crew of four will spend on the lunar surface for about a month. The aim of the project is to prove that the accommodation, on a natural satellite of the Earth using only the resources it is possible. In the same year, will be built a new high speed railway crossing 17 countries and connecting Europe and Asia. The first train on it will be held from Beijing to Paris, its speed will be 300 km/H. In the same year will expire beginning in 2013 the global crisis. 2019 - In China will be fixed acute shortage of women. The government will allow same-sex marriages. The same in America will be tested the first prototype flying car. In America will experience first flying avtomobilej America will experience first flying car 2020 - Active development of space tourism. The first private spaceships will be sent on the day everyone on the Earth orbit. The first space ship company "Virgin Galactic" owned by Richard Branson landing with tourists on the moon's surface. The cost of such a tour will cost about 200 million dollars. As will be formed the first manned expedition to Mars. In the same year will be granted permission to conduct Autonomous operations that destroy cancer cells in the human body. The megacorporations will undermine the authority of the governments of the leading countries and will eventually deprive them of many powers. The state border in the usual sense will be erased. Cultural differences still remain in the memory of the people. 2021-2024 - the opportunity to implant in the brain microchips are able to give their owner the opportunity to telepathy, increased reserves memory, and so will the possibility of introducing into the body of different kinds of controllers indicating the condition of the person, and giving a kind of bonuses in the form of built-in mobile communications, etc. obots, and they in turn on people. About a century later will begin active development kosmosoteira century later begin active exploration Of course, these are just predictions and accurately answer that will be in 100 years is difficult, but many began to wonder if the outcome will be exactly what do humanity a future. On the other hand people when something just didn't trust cars and computers and movies and radio in General was considered an almost magic. However, they are now firmly embedded into our lives, and are an integral part of it. So, as they say, let's wait see what will happen in 100 years.
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Напишите "my spare time" 10 предложений с переводом
I try to spend my spare time with usefulness. For example, I can help my mom with chores or any housework. I don't forget about my pets, because I feed and play with them. Afterwards I find time for myself, when I read books or find some interesting information on the Internet. Sometimes I go for a walk with my friends or my siblings.