
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму времён present, past, future. molly: what you (do) tomorrow? you (go) to the sports centre? betty: yes, i (go) there with my friend. molly: what you (do) there? betty: we (do) yoga. molly (be) you good at yoga? betty: no, i (not to think) so. but i (try molly: what you (do) yesterday in the evening? you (stay) at home? simon: yes, i (stay) in and (watch) tv. molly: what you (watch)? betty: game of thrones. i (be) fond of it. what about you? you (meet) helen yesterday? molly: yes, i (meet) her in a cafe. we (go) shopping. she (want) to buy a present for her granny’s birthday. betty: she (buy) anything? molly: yes, she (buy) some jewelry. betty: it (be) a really expensive present? how much she (pay)? molly: i (not to know) really. i (not to ask) her.

Английский язык



1. Never use a smartphone in bed because you won't be able to sleep soon.

2.Sometimes you need to be patient when you work on a computer because it can load for a long time.

3.Usually people secure their computers with passwords not to let the third party steal their valuable personal information.

4. It is often the case that intuition is the only thing you need to have in order to be able to use your gadgets for routine purposes .

5. Laptops are often more comfortable to use

than computers, as you can always take them wherever and whenever you want.


charged with energy sutra - charge and your phone! morning cup of coffee is associated with cheerfulness. true, it is the morning after drinking hot strong coffee every energizing, and that if byvasha morning cup of coffee gave charge of energy not only you, but also your phone? ! the ability to simultaneously charge the phone and the person has provided our company. we have created a simply incredible charger for your phone that allows you to collect energy from the hot or cold napitkov.dannoe device is disc-shaped. the disc includes an engine that is powered by the temperature difference, making changes in temperature of your coffee and battery power for your own phone. energy can be obtained from any hot object, such as the soup or even candles. the main thing - to post them on the washer and the process poydet.chashka coffee has enough power to ensure that you fully charge the phone at the time, while simply enjoying a strong invigorating drink. you like this invention? we welcome your call!

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Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму времён present, past, future. molly: what you (do) tomorrow? you (go) to the sports centre? betty: yes, i (go) there with my friend. molly: what you (do) there? betty: we (do) yoga. molly (be) you good at yoga? betty: no, i (not to think) so. but i (try molly: what you (do) yesterday in the evening? you (stay) at home? simon: yes, i (stay) in and (watch) tv. molly: what you (watch)? betty: game of thrones. i (be) fond of it. what about you? you (meet) helen yesterday? molly: yes, i (meet) her in a cafe. we (go) shopping. she (want) to buy a present for her granny’s birthday. betty: she (buy) anything? molly: yes, she (buy) some jewelry. betty: it (be) a really expensive present? how much she (pay)? molly: i (not to know) really. i (not to ask) her.
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