
в переводе предложения. переводчиком я и сам могу пользоваться, таких ответов не нужно. желателен дословный перевод именно словосочетания "was at ones being sent" из предложения: during the experiment a current was being sent along a conductor and a magnetic field was at ones being sent from the conductor.

Английский язык


Sergei Gaishun

На протяжении всего эксперимента ток был направлен вдоль проводника, и (ток)от проводника сразу отправляется к магнитному полю.

 Moscow - is the largest center and the capital of Russia. The city has a centuries-old history. The fiunder of the city is Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The name Moscow comes from  the same river, which  flows through the city.
 Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theatres and art galleries. This is the center of Russia's culture and economic life. There are the most famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian firms and offices. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists.
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 Moscow - is the largest center and the capital of Russia. The city has a centuries-old history. The fiunder of the city is Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The name Moscow comes from  the same river, which  flows through the city.
 Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theatres and art galleries. This is the center of Russia's culture and economic life. There are the most famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian firms and offices. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists.
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в переводе предложения. переводчиком я и сам могу пользоваться, таких ответов не нужно. желателен дословный перевод именно словосочетания "was at ones being sent" из предложения: during the experiment a current was being sent along a conductor and a magnetic field was at ones being sent from the conductor.
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