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Больше 70 4 activate follow the steps in the writing guide.o writing guidea tasklook at the photo below and write an articleabout polar bears.b think and planread the notes below about polar bearsand match are in exercise 3 with paragraphtitles 1-3.paragraph 1: introduction: eparagraph 2: life and habitat: paragraph 3: problems: 5and answer the questions.describes the life and? which describes aups? c writewrite your article and follow your paragraphplan. use the model text and the key phrases.d checkles have calves? ning extinct? • the use of becauseuseith a-f. combine the.ne.notes: the polar beara females: two babies / cubs /every four or five yearsb red list: climate / change ice /melt; pollution; hunting furc habitat: the arctic / on iced food: seals and fishe this photo: polar bears / on ice; hunt / sealsf photo: a female withtwo cubsg behaviour: aggressive; hunt seals; can swimer.sea.
.Гора(Вулкан) Фудзи.
Существуют различные версии происхождения названия Фудзи. Одна из них связывает его с айнским словом "огонь". Во всяком случае, к огню Фудзи имеет непосредственное отношение, поскольку является вулканом с кратером диаметром около 500 метров и глубиной до 200 метров. Самые разрушительные извержения произошли в 800, 864 и 1707 гг. Известно, что во время последнего извержения Эдо, расположенный в 120 км от Фудзи, был покрыт слоем пепла в 15 см.
There are different versions of the origin of the name Fuji. One of them connects it with the Ainu word for "fire". Anyway, the Fuji fire is relevant because it is a volcano with a crater diameter of about 500 meters and a depth of 200 meters. The most devastating eruptions happened in 800, 864 and 1707. it is Known that during the last eruption of Edo, located 120 kilometers from Fuji, was covered with a layer of ash 15 cm.