Novikova Aleksandrovna

Егэшное эссе по на тему: young people prefer internet communication to personal contacts.200 - 250 слов. ! ​

Английский язык


На : в великобритании насчитывается около 30 тысяч видов животных. среди них лисы, зайцы, красные белки, выдры, чёрные крысы, норка, рептилии и земноводные. из 200 видов птиц наиболее распространены воробьи, зяблики, скворцы, вороны, зимородки, малиновки, синицы. в лесу можно встретить таких обитателей как: олень, лиса, кролик, заяц, барсук. птицы тоже обитают в лесах, например: куропатка, голубь, ворона. в реках британии водятся в основном лосось и форель. вот такое большое разнообразие животных можно встретить в великобритании. на : in the uk, there are about 30,000 species of animals. among them, foxes, hares, red squirrels, otters, black rats, mink, reptiles and amphibians. of the 200 species of birds most common sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, chickadees. in the forest you can meet the inhabitants of such as deer, fox, rabbit, hare, badgers. birds also live in forests, such as partridge, pigeon, crow. in the rivers of britain are found mainly salmon and trout. here is a great variety of animals can be found in the uk.

1. I played computer games yesterday. I was playing computer games yesterday at 7 o’clock.

2. What was Nick doing when you came into his room? What did Nick do last Sunday

3. We washed the floor in our flat yesterday. We were washing the floor from 3 till 4 yesterday.

4. When I came home yesterday, my little sister was sleeping.

5. When I was going to school, I met my friend.

6. While my sister was reading a book, I was watching TV.

7. We met at the station two hours ago. Nick was waiting for his fried when I saw him.

8. When I opened the door, my friends were sitting at the table.

9. While I was doing my homework, my sister was helping mother about the house.

10. What did you read yesterday? Were you reading at 6 o’clock?

11. Lena was sweeping the floor from11 till 12 yesterday.

12. I went to the theatre yesterday. At this time yesterday I was sitting at the theatre.

13. He was writing a letter when I came in. He didn't write letters two days ago.

14. He was reading a book when I came in. He bought that book last week.

15. I went to the cinema yesterday. I was going to the cinema at 4 o’clock yesterday.

16. While mother was cooking dinner, I was helping father in the garden.

While уже указывает на длительное время.


Past Simple:


Past Continuous:


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Егэшное эссе по на тему: young people prefer internet communication to personal contacts.200 - 250 слов. ! ​
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