
Заранее большое ✨​ну я тут это, все ещё жду ответа

Английский язык


Let me tell you about my own attitude to sports and sportsmen.To begin with I must say that sport is one of the things that always keep people fit. 1 think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Physically inactive people get older earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If you do daily exercises regularly you feel refreshed, have a good posture and that makes you feel well.Wise people say that good health is a great blessing. Everyone should do all possible to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good working order free from diseases and pain.There is a truthful Latin proverb: "A sound mind is in a sound body". If you want to keep yourself fit, you are to go in for sports.Sport is very popular in our family. Together with my father we do our usual morning exercises at home and twice a week we have our basketball training in the sports club and in summer we like to swim most of all, because swimming makes a man healthy and strong.I'm a hockey fan, too. I try to watch every hockey match on TV. Moreover I take part in different sports competitions which our school organizes from time to time. The most popular kinds of sport in our school are football, basketball, gymnastics, and wrestling. Some boys are also fond of boxing. Among girls callisthenics is very popular. All these sports have their strong supporters.My favourite kind of sport is tennis. I have been playing it since I was eleven years old, and the more I play it, the more I like it. There is a good tennis court not far from my house and I often go there with my friends.
Т.: Скажите, есть много художественных галерей в Лондоне? Я хотел, чтобы увидеть некоторые из картин!Г.: Ну, место, где мне больше всего нравится это
Галерея Тейт на Милбэнка - это внизу, рядом с Темз Ембанкмент. Все современное здесь . Но Там в Берлингтон Дом на Пикадилли, дом Королевской академии и более традиционным стилем рисования .T:. И Национальная галерея на Трафальгарской площади. Это то же самое, как Национальной портретной галерее? Г .: О, нет портрет в  галереи Святого Мартина. Но место я больше всего нравится из всех является Музей Виктории и Альберта (V & A) в Кенсингтоне. Это очень интересное место, с живописсью, скульптурами, керамикой , текстилем, и так далее, все красиво расположено в соответствии с историчи скеми событиями . Т .: Это звучит замечательно. Я должен сделать отметку, чтобы пойти туда. И это не есть Музей науки? GYES - это самая захватывающая выставка, если вы заинтересованы в инженера. Это очень близкоV & A.

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