Deer are calm and graceful animals that have long, slender legs and small tails. Deer can be reddish-brown to grey-brown.
Male deer have antlers, which they shed each winter and grow back again in the spring.
Deer prefer to live in woods, but are also found in wetlands, grasslands, and mountain regions.
Deer eat all kinds of plants, flowers, berries, and vegetables.
They are great swimmers and can run extremely fast.
Олени - спокойные и грациозные животные с длинными тонкими ногами и маленькими хвостиками. Олени могут иметь окрас от красновато-коричневого до серо-коричневого.
У самцов оленей есть рога, которые они сбрасывают каждую зиму и которые снова отрастают весной.
Олени предпочитают жить в лесу, но встречаются также в заболоченной местности, на лугах и в горных районах.
Олени едят все виды растений, цветы, ягоды и овощи.
Они отличные пловцы и могут очень быстро бегать.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Make the derived nouns from the words in brackets and complete the sentences. 1) the report gave a surprising concluding (conclude 2) people say it's total (mad) to believe in this. 3) they gave him the (possible) of accepting a different job. 4) there has been a change of (direct) in the company's ambitions. 5) they got a lot of (enjoy) from that evening at the theatre. 6) she stood still, completely (motion). 7) the (decorate) was highly original and modern. 8) his (arrive) was badly-timed. 9) the man they arrested has denied being a (blackmail). 10) i firmly believe in the (rich) of the cultural diversity.
2) madness
3) possibility
4) direction
5) enjoyment
6) motionless
7) decoration
8) arrival
9) blackmailer
10) richness